Jackson st High school. day. principal office. Belle facing Shimmers. she got an ideas about last night at the clubs where she and Emma met the band. she met Chris, the lead singer of the band. he's a nice person, handsome and weird said Emma last night. Chris keep them safe and drove them back home safely.

She hadn't see her mother today because she not at home and cause of Gibson having dinner. lies must go on. she hadn't see Jake's today as she and Emma arrive at school, she went straight to meet Shimmers about the school fair coming. so she like to invite Chris and his band in school.

"What kind of this band you talk about, Ms. Decker. a band? where'd did you found them."

Her lips stutter. she couldn't tell her how she met the band. clubs? her mother could kill her if Shimmers told.

"Social network. I found the band from the website and they're in this town. small stage. the band like to connect with their fans. plus, they said the audiences in small towns really appreciate them. then why not us."

"Can you tell me the band name?"

"Trouble Machine."

Shimmers frowned. the name must be a jokes for her but- no, the band do exist. Shimmers log on her facebook pages, she search for the band name and well- the band like Trouble Machine, people in small towns do appreciate. just a little appreciate. maybe. the band exist. so, now she must decide whether she bring the band in or not. the band kind a handsome and weird.

"Thank you for your approaching about the band, Ms Decker. I will inform you later. they not do any drug aren't they?"

Belle shrugged. she and Emma hanging around with Chris and the band last night. she hadn't seen the boys do drug, or maybe behind them? no one knows.

"I bet they don't."

"How you know the band like Trouble Machine don't do drug? most of the band like them are smocking. I don't want every my student follow their step and ruining their life because of them."

Belle snorts. she fight back for the band.

"Mrs. Shimmers. I'm sorry to said this. how you sure your students doesn't smock?"

Shimmers blink. Belle continue. "I saw them. behind the school. toilet even the basement. you don't know anything because you don't know us better than you do. if this you said the band like Trouble Machine teach them the bad things I think you shouldn't judge them. we're the same. nobody's perfect."

She push the chair. she walk. before she reach the handle. she look over her shoulder.

"Considerate, Mrs. Shimmers. because of their looks, people like you judged them without knowingly them." she smile. "I waited you for the answer." then she close the door behind.

Shimmers. her face like being slapped by two person she know. she think for a moment whether she want the band in or not. an sudden she remind Belle of Gibson, they two did the same thing to protect the innocent one. she realise the couple had a same common as they talked.

She slapped her forehead. both are they are right about herself. she doesn't know anything, she does not know what she doing. she is are irresponsible principal. and they were right.


Jake met Belle under the tree without Emma. she look up from her laps with smile as she saw his face. oh, she miss his face.

"Where had you've been?" he asked. take a sit. "I saw you walking at principal office. have you done something that you don't share with me."

She shake her head. no. she not doing something bad just- "I'm fine. just a meeting with principal."

"About what?"

"The fair. you know our school will having a fair, party for fun. so, I decided to invite the band. that why I were in there."

Jake frowned. "A band? what kind of band?" Belle goggle the band on her phone. on website there's not much to tell about Trouble Machine. just the picture. "Them? like I knew somewhere. have you met them."

"Urm- if I tell you don't be mad at me." Belle said.

Jake smirk. he know she done something bad behind his back. kinda cute when he saw panic in her face. make her face more beautiful than ever. yes. Andriana Belle Decker are most beautiful girl he ever meet. she is his soul, without her he died.

"It happen last night. it was Emma ideas and mine I think. well last night my mom invite Gibson in our house. so, Emma find out she help me. I had to lied, Jake. I have no brave to face Gibson in our dinner table. which he bring his wife. we both went to the clubs and there we met the band. like I'd said. Emma saw them on website."

Jake nods understand. he smile patting her back softly. he wasn't mad at her. she'll do the right thing to not facing Gibson last night. Emma their heroes and she safe Belle.

"Of course I'm not mad at you. you do the right thing. so, because of this band you meet the principal."

"Yes. I need her answer. and I disappointed at her."


"She thought this band will gives her students bad influence such as drug, something. she judged the band without knowing them. I knew them even just one night. Chris won't do that."

He frowning. "Who's, Chris?"

"The singer. his name is Chris. he's the one who sending us home last night." Belle stare down at her laps again. "He is good person."

Jake smile again.

Later moment. the library. Belle stood in front of the shelves in history section. the section stood at the end of the room. she's alone. no one around her. she pick one of the book and find the seat. before she could, someone grabs her arm from behind. she couldn't balancing herself, she almost stumbled on the floor. a strong arm held her then pushed her back on the wall.

She gasp and hurt.

Someone trap her between in. she look confused, panic and scared. why ever people do this to her. this is not restricted section... she doesn't needed a specially signed note from one of the teachers to look in any of the restricted books, and she knew she'd never get one. these were the books containing powerful History, the culture that's all. why she been threatening like this. pinning her on the wall. that's hurt.

"How dare you!"

She hear growled, gritting teeth spokes. her eyes stares up at the eyes she know. a eyes looks so anger and demand the answer. it's Gibson. he;s the one who push her, pinning her on the wall. she hold tighten the book in her arm she just pick it out from the shelves. the book is her protection. because her chest and his are touched as he pinned her. yes. she doesn't want Gibson felt something or feel horny from her body especially her chest.

"How dare you. you made me like a fool man on earth. where'd did you go last night. you left me without my knowing, you invite me at the day and the night you gone. what you playing at huh!" her eyes widen. Gibson grit his teeth and whisper as he spokes to her. his eyeballs almost out from socket. he like been possessed by the demon. an evil demon.

She push his body away from her with book she held but didn't budge. he's too strong to push or fight. he hurt her. "Get off of me!"

"I need an answer. where did you go last night? exams? study? seriously." he chuckled. "Oh- you are big trouble missy. you lied aren't you. there's no exams. I admit you got compliment and I had to play along as your mother asked me."

His eyes scan her. he leaned his face closer to her. she smell so good, if she a candy he could eat her, licked her. "You're not gonna tell." she asked.

"If you behave. listen to me." smirking. "If you're not. I'll tell everything."

"Please .." he leaned closer to her. much much closer. forehead, nose are touch. their lips. she feel his breath at tip of her nose. she can't breathing normally. she's need more air to breathe around him.

"You threatening me."

Gibson smirk widen. he spokes. "Unless you submit yourself to me."

"You had a wife." he giggle. "You had a wife. you can't. I own you nothing and I will not submit myself to you. I'm not afraid, I don;t scared of you. go on. see what you can do." she challenge.

He chuckled again. slowly his hand reach side of her face as his eyes on hers. today he will make Belle his. no one can claimed her as she belongs to him.

"I can do this." he kissed her. at first the kiss was soft and gentle. an second it turn roughly. his tongue caught hers, he bit her. she trying to push him but non of his body are moves. he pinned her, trap her on the wall.

The library seems not everyone trying to notice what exactly happen at the end of the room, no sound came or made by Belle. of course people couldn't hear her. she plead him to let go. he wasn't listen. he continue kissed her like a dementors suck all over her soul and left her worst experience as he sucked her happiness.

She push him again. this time he let go of her. she was free from his grasp. it took her a few seconds to know how to breathe and sucked the air. his hand still side of her face. her body feel numb caused of his doing to her.

He leaned closer at her ears. he said something that make her tears flowing but she hold it. she doesn't want him to see her weakness. she must fight. the only she can. protecting herself.

A words from him made her life in fear.

"We'll have to do this again sometime."