Two weeks later. Belle thought to herself before shaking her head, irritated with herself for thinking that. In the two weeks since her molested, Belle had managed to mostly put it out of her mind and act normal around others. however, in moments like this one, when she was alone, it look quite a bit to keep her mind from wondering back to what happened.

Still, it had for the most part been all right. it wasn't Gibson could do it again or even really showed signs of wanting to. other than class, he seemed to pretty much ignoring her and never had the chance to talk to her again. plus, Emma and Jake always around her no matter what. she safe with them. thank God.

Sometime when she with Jake, she felt guilt for him, she hadn't told him the truth. she had no brave to tell him, she doesn't want him to worried about her. he won't hear this excuse if he find out, he will accusing her like she letting Gibson take her as he did. damn you Victor Gibson!

Because of Gibson, her relationship with Jake will tear apart. she love Jake, not because he came from the fortune family, no. wasn't that. she love him the way he is, his different compared than others boy she know, and she already lied to Jake. she betrayed her own love life.


Belle jolt as Jake touch her back, she still can feel his touch, taste of his lips on her skin. she suddenly feel goosebumps. he notice her face look scared of him for no reason, what Jake had done to Belle? no. wasn't Jake fault but Gibson. he look at her curiously.

"You alright?" she nod okay. "Okay, so, any information about the band? Mrs. Shimmers?"

"I can see she not interested about the band." she look at Jake face. "Weird right. Trouble Machine wasn't so bad. Chris the one who write the song and it wasn't so bad to hear, I was there, Jake. you should hear."

He smile. "So, you fallin in love with the song or the singer?" he tease her with wink. Belle elbowed his wrist with smile, with that moment she forget all those shit.

Meanwhile at Shimmers office. Gibson meet her as she said so. Shimmers study his handsome face a bit then she smitten, reminding him about Belle. of course she call Gibson in her office because Belle suggestion to bring the band in school. so, she need his opinion too. she doesn't want her decision turning into a mistake she did before.

She admit, she never ever trying to know her student well. she deserved to be punished and get some advice with open arm from the teacher and students. she smile.

"You know why I call you in my office, Mr. Gibson."

"Those bastard?"

"Language, Mr. Gibson."

"Then I don't know why I'm in here."

Shimmers nod her head. "Because you remind me of Miss Decker." his eyes widen as she said. Decker? Belle? now what she had done behind his back, he demand to know, he demand the answer.

"Yes, you remind me of her." then Shimmers show him the picture of Trouble Machine.

"What's that all about?" he asked.

"Yes, what's that all about. our school fair need an entertainment for the guest, Mr. Gibson. Miss Decker is the one who suggest me to this band, indie band I guess."

So that was all about thought Gibson. she met the band the day he went to her house that night, and she lied about the exams. with who she goes?

"The band?"

"Yes, the band. interesting to me because I try to get to know what I've missed. since then I've been listening to their song, an sudden one of their song become one of my favorite playlist."

Gibson frowned as she about to humming the rythm but she stop. "Kind like that."

He leaned on chair, his finger tip play under his chin as he think. my wife, his wife Belle always got an brilliant ideas, even all those lies, he can smell her. oh she so good in it, where did she learn those? Emma? that bitch. she shouldn't make her as a friends. that bloody bitch.

"Mr. Gibson?" he snap his thought, looking up at Shimmers. "I want your opinion or perhaps a right decision for me to bring they in or not."

He shake his head. she could hear his breathe. the room turn into silent for a while. minute pass, his chest leaned front of the table. the eyes stare, he spokes.

"I'd said why not. this school need to be alive among the parents and out there. I'd said, we let them in."

"Will do."

Later, Shimmers out from the room, she looking for Belle around the school. no sight of her, so she decide looking foward in the library. she knew she were hiding there, reading, sleeping, row the book. spending her time in there alone. Shimmers enter the library as her eyes looking around the room.

"Mrs. Shimmers what an pleasant surprise seeing you in here." said Miss Buchanan the librarian teacher with smile she greet the principal. "Can I help you, what kind of book you looking for, at my service."

Shimmers smile, said. "I wasn't looking for a book. how's the thing in here?" she asked.

"Good, student rarely come in here so I was alone always. but there a female student always company me in here, if she not had a class. Miss Decker her name."

Buchanan is good-natured, but also socially awkward and unassertive, which make most people look past her.

"She always seeing me, talk to me sometime she brought me a food to share. she's nice kids."

Shimmers nod awkwardly. "That exactly I'm here. I was looking for her. where she at?"

"The end of the room, History section." she point.

Shimmers make her move foward. "I kinda attractive person, she always said that to me. thank God." she said behind Shimmers back as she walk. "She said I'm pretty too. you know what she mean I'am."

Shimmers hear her giggle behind her back. she ignore the giggle as she looking for Belle. at the end of the corner she saw her sit on the balcony window, reading.

Belle notice someone are watching, slowly she look up from her book. she jolt, hurried her feet with widen eyes, book accidentally slide from her laps down to the floor.

Her lips stuttering.

"Mrs. Shimmers what are you doing in here?." she ask. picking up the book from the floor then she laid it on the balcony. "I'd just reading. I have no class today."

Shimmers smile. "I know. Miss Buchanan told me that you always in here with her. you impressed me Miss Decker."

"About what?"

"You know, about you said last two weeks about the band. me and Mr. Gibson are agree to invite the band in this school, as you are arranged everything. I need to speak with the band first, so bring them in my office as you ready."

Belle face sudden turn exciting but how Shimmers involved Gibson in it? she thought. what the hell is going on in here? Gibson? what the heck, this is her ideas why Shimmers need his opinion then tell her afterwards. this is -

"Mr. Gibson?" her lips stutter.


"Why him?"

Shimmers blink. "Why him?"

"Yes, why him."

Question, question another question they two look at each other face, Shimmers almost losing her balance because she take too much question ahead, she drag the chair and sit, patting her chest to calm herself down.

"I'm too old to standing. what do you mean him what, what- do not questioning me again."

"This is my ideas and I want your opinion alone. why involve Mr. Gibson with your opinion." Shimmers stare, Belle continue. "You know what I mean."

"Ah, that. you know, thanks to you I admit myself that I'm weak of my own suggestion. so, I want him. because you remind me of him." Belle still not understand what Shimmers trying to said.

She need an correct answer. "I remind me of him? I don't understand."

"I don't think it's necessary you to know." Shimmers push the chair. "As they arrive brought them in my office immediately. beside this is all your ideas. I need to accept them with my open arm and I cannot judge them. I'm sorry. but do please-"

Shimmers turn her feet walk, she left Belle speechless behind, she barely talk about it nor Gibson issues. her principal are complicated woman Belle ever meet.

"My office, remember."

Belle watch her figure fade away. she breathe resuming her reading. tonight, she will text Chris about the invitation. he must be exciting and she miss him already.