He hadn't realized it until now, but the Troll had done a number on the camp. It left burning debris, trampled tents, and ripped down shacks in its wake. Although he saw no sign of the brute anywhere he wasn't taking any chances. Stumbling upon such a beast may prove even more difficult than his current pursuer.
He ran into another path between the tents and shacks when he heard a low grunt to his side and stopped immediately. Turning his head he was met with exactly what he hoped to avoid. The trolls beady yellow eyes stared at him from down the path and Alex could do nothing but stare back, scared to move.
It wasn't until he studied the troll did he find his fear turn to remorse. The Troll's original grey skin was covered in a crimson red, and it's breathing was slow and shallow. It was propped up on one knee and its arms and legs were covered in arrows sticking out of it like splinters. It barred its fangs and weakly swung its huge arm at him, but he was too far to cause him any damage.
It's other arm was guarding it's chest which he suspected hide the worst of it's injuries. It was then Alex met with a dilemma, continue on his way or try to help. Alex saw what kind of damage the Troll could do, especially to someone as small as him. "It's just a game," he told himself, his hand tightening around the metal shaft of his staff.
He looked at the edge of the forest, it was a short run away. Getting away was his priority, not some big dumb Troll. "I-It's just a," his eyes continue to flick between the forest and the injured Troll, "...a game?" He sighed and made up his mind.
He took slow steps forward and the Troll growled at him. "Stupid. Stupid Idea," he lectured to himself with each step. The Troll slammed its three-clawed hand to the ground and gave a mighty roar stopping his progress. "Woah! Woah! Calm down. I'm here to help." He lifted the staff in the air and it disappeared in a flash of light.
The Troll's eyes seemed to lighten and its demeanor somewhat relaxed, it was better than he expected it to act. Alex came close enough for its huge arms to finally grab hold of him, and his anxiety flared as he felt the hot air from it's breath fluff his hair. He took out a potion and splashed it on the Troll's arm. It snorted and Alex winced fearing the worse, but no attack came.
The Troll simply watched as the potion began to seal it's wounds. The cuts began to stitch themselves up and arrows promptly fell out of it's thick skin. With an audible snort the Troll slowly removed it' other arm for him to work on. It was then he finally witnessed the true extent of the damage.
Lodged within it's chest were multiple arrows, spear heads, and worst of all, a number of ballista bolts. Seeing the injuries he doubted he had enough potions to heal them all, but such thoughts didn't stop him. He continued to splash potions on the wounds, pulling the red bottles from thin air, one after the other quickly. After pulling a number from his inventory he stopped to check his work.
Almost all cuts have healed and a number of the spear heads and arrows had either been pulled out by the troll or fell out on their own. The real problem presenting him were the huge ballista bolts which ran too deep to be affected by the potions from the outside. He needed to get the Troll to drink the potions. He scratched his head, thinking of ways to get the troll to do just that without losing a finger... or limb.
As he began thinking of ways to persuade the beast the Troll nudged him. He jumped, despite the nudge being gentle. He quickly looked over to see the trolls huge three fingered hand open, as if asking for the potions. He looked at the Trolls face, and for a second he caught an intelligent glimmer in it's eye.
He had seen such a glimmer before, but in the eyes of his own companions. The troll huffed, waking him from his moment of realization. "Oh, uh, yes. Here!" He plopped three vials of potions in it's hand and waited to see what it would do.
It characteristically chucked the glass vials into it's open mouth and began to crunch on the glass. Alex gave a small laugh, "What was I expecting?" The effects were immediate, and the Troll began to remove the bolts between painful grunts. Alex made sure to keep away as the Troll needed room to remove the bolts.
After finally removing the last one it gave a satisfied sigh before lifting itself back into the air. Alex was a little proud of himself for helping, it was the least he could do after it helped them rescue their friend. The Troll looked at him and nodded it's head before turning around and lumbering away. Alex was left to wonder as to how Julian could have conscripted such a beast to aid them.
It was in this wondering that he remembered an important fact. He was running for a reason. He turned his head and came face to face with his pursuer, "..." A moment of silence was taken as the two seemed to lock eyes.
As Alex stood motionless he realized that the man in font of him had changed. His demeanor had shifted, and his energy even seemed different. The most prominent change was the loss of his manacle smile, and his eyes had become stern. In a split second Alex tried, and failed, to bring out his staff and prepare a spell.
Leom was quicker. He raised his hand and Alex inwardly braced himself for a direct hit. The ball of energy connected with his chest and knocked him into the side of a partially destroyed wooden hut. Despite the blow being dampened by the coat it still knocked the breath out of him and he was left gasping for air on the ground.
Alex fell on his side and hugged his chest, struggling to breath. He tried to take out a potion from his inventory, but when he tried nothing appeared in his hand. He was out. He wordlessly cursed himself as he watched Leom walk to him.
Leom was nearly a step away before he slowly kneeled down, "... Who are you?" The man roughly retched one of Alex's hands from his chest and looked him in the eyes, "... You are not him! You have his face, his body, but you are different." He shook his head, "The boy I know would never attempt to fight me, he would not enter a camp of bandits, he would never act so kindly to a Troll."
Alex managed to find some breath, "T-Then... let me... go." He shook his head, "No! You may not be what I'm looking for, but you what WE are looking for." Leom placed his hand on top of Alex's, "Know this, Imposter, follow the mark." Alex winced as he felt a burning sensation in his hand, as if being branded with a hot iron.
He tried to pull away, but his arm and body began to numb from the pain. "W-What are you- Ah!" The pain spread through his arm and he saw a purple light glow from Leom's hands. "if you concentrate on the mark, it will lead you to us. If you try to run, it will slowly consume you." The pain continued for another minute before Leom finally let go and the pain subsided.
"If you want it removed, follow its call." He got up and backed away, "You have walked into a situation you cannot run from. Face us, and find truth." Alex grasped his hand, the pain still fresh. As he looked back up at Leom a bright light flashed from his out stretched hand.
Alex could barely believe his eyes. As the light subsided a creature had now appeared. It bore sleek obsidian like scales that shined in the fire light and claws as long as daggers. A huge red eye was locked on him and Alex could only gulp. It was a huge Black Dragon.
It took up most of the path, and it's long tail swiped side to side. Leom walked up to it's side and clambered upon a leather saddle which was strapped upon it's back between back spikes. The dragon had a crest upon it's head, acting almost like a crown to signify it's superiority. It was by all accounts, a majestic and savage beast.
Leom grabbed onto the reins and looked at him, "You hold potential, great potential. By our side, we can make you a force to be reckoned with. You would find power no man could possibly imagine." The dragon outstretched huge black sail like wings and caused any nearby fire to be blown out.
It dug it's huge claws into the ground and jumped with tremendous force while also flapping it's huge wings, catapulting it into the air like a huge bullet. Alex could only watch in the moonlight as the dragon slowly disappeared into he inky blackness of the night sky. The golden number above it's head was still plastered into his mind.
Alex hung onto a tree and gasped as his hand arched with purple lightning like magic sending him falling to the ground in pain. He held his hand tightly as the purple sparks died away leaving the purple mark shining in the dark. He raised himself up again, but his legs were so numb he could barely walk. It was as if this mark was sucking his Mana dry.
He propped himself up on his staff and tried continuing on but it wasn't long until the mark arched again. He groaned while laying down, he didn't even know if he was moving in the right direction. He held onto his hand drifting in and out of consciousness. It was then he felt the ground shaking, and a shadow fall over him.
He passed out, his mana now completely drained. The last thing he felt was a large three-fingered palm grasp him, lifting him up off the ground.