Chapter 68.

"Dusk to Dawn."


What does this piece of paper even mean?

"It seems to be a diary entry. But who's diary entry? It's shocking because it's some sad content for whoever went through it."

"Let me see"' Isis said as she snatched the piece of paper with her long fingers.

Zainab watched Isis as she skimmed through the paper. She finished reading and swiftly looked up into Zainab's eyes, intimidating her a little.

"Did my grandmother have an emotionally abusive childhood or what?"

Zainab shook her head. "Your grandmother couldn't have been 10 years old at the time of the date of the diary entry because look at her age now. I think it's your mom. I mean, Aisha. Nana probably took it from her diary a long time ago. And now she's trying to let you into her head a bit. I don't know. That's what I think."