Chapter 84.


"Hmmm. Oh, you're back. It's Wednesday, right? I'd better get the trash out. Did I tell you I've been working on zero waste. We're down from four bags a fortnight to one, I call that success. Next week it'll be even less, half a bag I hope. What's that you're holding? Something you found on the door mat? Oh, a flyer for a neighbourhood barbecue, well, that sounds like fun. I never stay long at these things, too shy really. The neighbours are fabulous though, great folks. Gary plays his cello and Lorna brings her electric guitar. I bake ten tonnes of cinnamon buns, maybe I'll do the face painting again this year. I'll talk Marsha into coming, she's always a hoot in social situations, no off switch, no mental censorship, just wall to wall funny stories."