(Ch 2)Bond

Noah now Faith stared up at Eshir in awe and stupor upon coming to the realization of the situation.

'Wait wait wait if I'm......And eshir is......then she is my......I've made a terrible mistake'

Was all Faith could manage too think

Eshir stared down at Faith in curiosity at what her little devil was thinking. He seemed to be troubled by something as he scrunched his face in an expression that was hard too understand. Eshir simply continued to caress her newborn thinking about all the strange feelings her son must be going through.

Dragons were by nature curious being no doubt so Faith who was technically a newborn dragon even if only half must have been experiencing something akin too sensory overload. To be honest Eshir wasn't far off either. There were many many things Faith wanted to say to Eshir in the moment and came to understand how frustrating it was to not be able to express oneself with words.

They both stayed there completely still for awhile simply basking in each others presence. Eshir was enthralled with Faith, being able to hold him as she was and Faith was still processing the situation.

'OKAY, so lets say just hypothetically Eshir is now my mother. Yeah thinkings about it hypothetically doesn't make it any easier too comprehend. Let's just pros and cons this. Pros are I'm a prince, I have got too be at least a little powerful, I'm also probably a dragon of some kind and Eshir seems too actually be a loving mother. Cons are........well fuck I guess I was overthinking it'

Faith's worry just disappeared after weighing the pros and cons of it all. At first he was worried it would affect his relationship with Eshir but considering he didn't actually have one, that wasn't a problem. On top of that it seemed simply being Faith Exodus made an incredible impression on her. After coming to this realisation Faith started squirming and giggling in pure ecstasy. He got to be close too the one person he'd come to care for in his entire life and he would also have chances too improve himself and make connections and friendships with others.

He wouldn't be alone.

It triggered a chain reaction of his happiness and also Immense sorrow. Only now could Faith truly understand how much he had lacked in his previous life. Now it was handed in front of him on a silver platter he could see that when he was Noah his life had no meaning, no purpose. It was only filled with isolation and staying alive. When others had tried to approach him he'd alway made some shitty excuse to ignore them, he regretted that part the most.

'Fuck, I'm such a fucken idiot. I could have already had this but me and my stupid fucken brain decided it would 'be better alone'. What bullshit was I on about. BEING ALONE FUCKEN SUCKS'

Faith screamed to himself as his giggles quickly turned into crys of sadness.

Poor Eshir was sent into something Faith would later call Demon-Queen-Mama-Bear-Mode watching her little one's giggles turn into crys. Being new too motherhood Eshir could only describe the feeling she got watching Faith cry. It was like being stabbed in the heart which she had been multiple times only a thousand times worse. No magic could soothe the pain or heal the injury and the more she watched him the more the pain grew. Her newfound motherly instincts told her to comfort her son the best she could, but they also told her something else.

Born a warrior even her instincts as a mother were attuned to it and they told her or rather gave her a violent urge to destroy whatever was hurting her son and everything it loved in the process. Gods and devils alike would have shed cold sweat seeing the terrifying aura coming off The demon queen of wrath, One of the 7 rulers of sin.

Faith's fits of crying only stopped when he saw a pained expression in his mother eyes followed by one of fury.

'Shit I really am useless. Wallowing in my own self pity and upsetting the only person I care about at the same time, I haven't changed at all'

He thought

Faith quickly stopped his crying and then did his best to move his little legs and arms for crawling. Being both a Demon and a Dragon two races of power, even as a baby Faith had the ability too move around if needed so using his limited versatility he hugged his mother as tightly as he could. Faith wasn't even aware that he strength he was using would snap a normal man in two. Faith looked up at Eshir who had only now just noticed he had moved to hug her stomach leg after falling off her arms and gave the most sincere smile he ever had in his life, Naive and serene like him in the moment.

That smile reaffirmed how fucked Eshir knew she was. Her, the Queen of wrath, bringing of chaos, was absolutely mesmerised by the little thing embracing her stomach. Saying it melted the ice over her heart wouldn't be apt as she was still a monster who could slaughter innocents without batting an eye. It was more like Faith had literally ripped his way into her heart making nothing else in the world seem to matter in the slightest.

"I've gotta remember too earnestly thank the lizard, Faith was his idea after all" - she spoke aloud while picking up Faith again, going back to caressing his hair like before, I smile etching itself on her face.

'While the me of before may have been useless. In this life if nothing else at least I seem to be able to make Eshir smile, thats enough'

Faith thought.

He really couldn't help but love Eshir with all his little but fairly powerful heart. He just continued to stare up at her in wonder as she caressed him before suddenly stopping, as if she remembered something important.

"Right your probably hunger, Aren't you sweetie" - Eshir said with the same sweet motherly smile

Lifting Faith up, she brought him right next to her rather well endowed breasts making sure he didn't feel discomfort in the movement. She looked down at him after a few moments in slight confusion. Although Faith was close enough he hadn't taken the initiative to feed.

'Is something wrong. Am I doing something wrong'

She thought.

Though she quickly dismissed the idea. Faith was without a doubt nothing but a few centimetres away from her chest so there was no way he lacked the ability to do so. Eshir was starting to get the ceaseless paranoia that all new mothers do on wether on not she was doing her job right. Meanwhile Faith was more awkward then ever. He really hadn't thought far ahead towards the obvious problems that he now faced. His body and even part of his mind told him to just do it but the part that had lived till the age of a teenage boy couldn't help but feel conflicted.

'This is stupid. It's the most normal course of action for me too take. I'm just overthinking this aren't I, god why must I act like such a idiot about this'

He lamented still unsure deep down

However the second he saw that all too familiar look of concern of his mother face instincts and feeling too over. Though he thought it would be awkward he'd clearly overthought it because it wasn't in the slightest. It was the pure bliss of nature taking its course and it relaxed Faith quite a bit.

"Thats it my little on, Mommys here with you and she not going to let anyone hurt you" - Eshir whispered

Faith mental stress had reached a peak since long ago and as a baby his limit wasn't high to begin with. After a few minutes Faith fell asleep calming resting in his mother embrace. Eshir being the Demon Queen mother she was didn't even think about going to sleep. If her son needed her at any point she wanted to be prepared. Even though she'd lowered the magic barrier she place around the room if any unlucky sod wanted to enter and risk waking up her little treasure, they'd be met with a quick and silent death.


For a two weeks straight Faith and Eshir spent every second together and they both loved it immensely. Faith hadn't left the room he was born in and everyone of his needs was taken care of personally by Eshir. It was frustrating to be embarrassed on a daily basis, being incapable of cleaning or washing himself but Eshir didn't seemed fazed in the slightest.

In fact in the two weeks he'd come to realise that Eshir loved the challenge of taking care of Faith, almost as if it was her calling in life, her one purpose. Apart from the interesting things adorning the room i.e the bed, bathroom, wardrobe, desk, weapons and every other thing that adorned the purple and black themed room Faith hadn't seen any of what this world had to offer. Not one of Eshir servants or retainers had entered the room since the original ones had left.

In fact all unbeknownst to Faith all the servants were scared shitless of the Queen's royal chambers. They wouldn't want to enter in the first place unless it was urgent but Eshir herself had given them strict instructions too not enter under any circumstance.

No one in The demon capital of Exodus let alone her employ would dare to defy a direct order. This was Eshir Exodus, the same woman who at the age of seven had killed an entire battalion for shits and gigs, the same women who thought everyone of her kin were nothing but slithering worms. In demon society and just overall in the races of Dark-light strength was a absolute.

Only humanoid demons, the strongest of their kind lived in the capitial but still there wasn't a soul that dared to open the doors to that room. Their were even rumors among the citizens that Eshir was putting her son through a personal boot camp since the moment he was born. Even for Demons that was cruel, after all they were just a race of beings like any other. Humanoid ones were almost identical too actually humans if you dismissed their pointed ears, magic and physical prowess and transformation abilities.

In fact even humans had realised that demons for the most part were nothing more then stronger and slightly more violent versions of themselves, leading to the current peace between Demons and the races of Light. It wasn't perfect but it was better then fighting. But the demon race knew their queen was a bit more on the violent side then most.

Eshir none the less though was able to gain the respect and fear of the other races, including the dragons, which made all living demons very prideful in their queen.

Faith none the wiser too the world and its on goings was content enjoying the room he was born in. It had Eshir in it and that was more then her could ever ask for. Still blissfully unaware of how much of a monster the rest of the world including her own kind saw her as.

From what Faith could tell in these last two weeks he seemed to be growing faster then normal. His strength already surpassed that many times over of his previously life which shocked him too no end. As for the magic power he now felt inside him Eshir was far too vigilant for him too test is out as of now.

He hadn't seen Eshir do anything other then play with and watch over him the past few weeks and it was honestly impressive how devote she was to him. Not a cry or yelp would go unheard ,quickly making sure too alleviate whatever problems he was having.

"Who's my little Devil, you are, yes you are" - Eshir said in a gentle tone

Currently Faith was doing the normal baby things with his mother such as finger grabbing and so on. Whenever he giggled at Eshir it seemed to spur her on even more igniting the flames of passion in her eyes.

'I wonder when She'll have to go back to her job. I could live like this forever but Eshir is a queen after all. wait is there maternity leave for rulers, she probably has vassals that can handle most of the Affairs considering no one barged in yet. I wonder what the castle is like, actually what is the city like. Oh man just thinking about it gives me goosebumps'

He thought giggling to himself thinking of all the fun he could have.

This world was new and so was everything in it. The mere thought of what outside the room was like excited him too no end. The giggles he let off thinking spurred on Eshir even more increasing the speed at which she was lifting him up and down.

"Hehe Your flying little one, just wait till you get older and you'll be able to do this for real. You might even have two pairs of wings" - she cheered

Faith with his white hair, red eyes and pointed ears, all signs of his royal lineage, couldn't help but increase his wonder at her words.

'I CAN FLY!??! '

He thought

They continued like this until for the first time Since the night of Faith's birth the doors to the royal Chambers were opened.

And in a Frenzy.