(Ch 5)The boy and his shadows

Alzeor Stared at his son, now covered in shadows that were swaying around him, in abject horror. He would have been fine with a son of any element, hell he was fine with a half breed son, but this… was a little different.

"How.. is … he … able.. to.. use.. Shadow magic" - one of Alzeor subordinates, a pure white dragon with blue eyes said in disbelief

Alzeor wasn't able to find an answer himself, in fact he was by far the most shocked out of all of them considering it was his son. He was only knocked out of his stupor when the oblivious Eshir asked

"Is Faith being able to use shadow magic a bad thing. I don't know much about any magic other then the elements so I haven't the faintest, but I thought shadow magic was quite rare" - she said

Eshir used magic and had high affinity in the basic elements thanks to her royal demon blood. In fact all demons had a very high capacity for magic but Eshir being the woman she was, never considered it anything more then another weapon in her arsenal. The research of magic's properties and uses outside of combat strictly could be left to her people. Demons were advanced in magic but not even the mighty elves who were hailed for it would be able to answer her question properly so she was forced to ask her would be baby daddy.

Alzeor swallowed his own salvia in a effort to get out an answer, his sons trial had rendered the King of dragons a shallow mess of his glorious self.

"Shadow magic isn't just rare, its basically unheard of. Im sure you're aware that elemental magic has deviant use such as water magic being used for ice spells and wind being used for lightning" - stated in a shaking voice

Eshir nodded as this was basic knowledge even she could grasp. All elements of magic had uses other then their basic ones. It was something she was quite versed in because her favourite variety of attacks spells happened to be lightning and ice, both capable of dealing damage while incapacitating her enemy.

"While dragons of deviant magic can be born as well, though it usually happens in lesser dragon newts, it can happen in full blooded dragons. As I'm sure your aware, dragons can only wield one element and the same stands true for these dragons only to a more extreme degree, they can only wield the deviant and not the actually element it comes from. Most of my kind ridicule them for this, or they did until the lightning dragon Shizr slaughtered five wind dragons of the same age at once" - he stated still not sure if he should continue with his next sentence

Alzeor looked towards his subordinates and they in turn looked back at him unsure. What he was about to tell Eshir who could very easily become his enemy was not only a huge secret among their race, but also one of the biggest embarrassments they'd ever had. Pride of dragons especially those of the natural element elitists in their ranks had gotten the best of them leading to a very chaotic hundred or so years for the dragon race.

Swallowing his pride as a king and elemental dragon Alzeor began to relay the important information to Eshir, thinking that she'd need to know at least for Faiths sake.

"Dragons can wield and feel their own element as if it was a part of them, it shows us the direction we need to take to grow and also makes us feel at peace. Thats why most dragons and dragon variants research their given element religiously. Deviants we thought were the same but after Shizr we were clearly proven wrong. The elders including myself guess is that because deviants are locked to even more restrictions then even us elemental dragons, they are blessed even further then us. In dragon newts and other dragon variants it proves difficult to notice but in full blooded dragons the difference is quite obvious. The deviants they are attuned too are constantly overjoyed to finally have a proper master, giving them guidance far beyond what use normal dragons are given, as well as power. It's said in some cases the element can even act independent of the wielder" - he finished the first part of his speech recalling his painful past with deviant dragons.

"So your saying that although he's restricted more, Faith is more powerful then most other dragons his age would be?" - Eshir asked with pride.

She knew her son was amazing and even though it was simply pure blind faith driven by her motherly love it turned out to be correct, she couldn't be more happy.

Alzeor couldn't help but half smile at her clear pride in her own flesh and blood. Was this not the Demon queen of wrath, Eshir exodus who slaughtered her own father and mother to claim the throne as most royal demons heirs before her did but only at the age of 13. Looking at all she'd done Alzeor originally didn't believe she was only 23 but rather much closer to his own age.

"While I would agree that he is more powerful, I don't think you fully comprehend what Faith being able to use shadow magic as his Element entails" - Alzeor spoke to her

Eshir really couldn't understand why him and his subordinates seemed this worried about Faith using shadows. They were currently in a barrier that prevented sound and sight from the inside going out, so why was he this weary. Alzeor almost looked…. Scared.

"Why is shadow magic such a big deal exactly then" - she asked

Eshir had heard of shadow magic just as she had heard of light and dark magic. It was a type of magic outside simple element or deviant magic that was deemed Sacred magic for its properties pertaining to light and dark, which were commonly considered as holy by both the Dark-light and Light-Dark races. Alzeor just reverted back into a human, now holding his head in exhaustion, before continuing.

"Light magic and dark magic are already rare enough in the other races, let alone dragons. In my years I've only ever met one or two of each and they were all powerful beyond measure. Shadow magic is something that comes straight out of legend like hard-light magic. It can be considered the highest form of pure darkness magic making it both insanely powerful and complex. It isn't like normal darkness magic that simply corrodes and weakens things, or normal light magic that can be used to heal and restore, its a weapon and its everwhere. I'm sure you know that basic healing magic with pure mana doesn't even come close to light healing magic. The same stands for darkness magic, and shadow magic is its highest form. I don't even think there has ever been a shadow dragon, and to be honest the thought of my son being one terrifies me" - he shivered at the thought of what Faith might be capable of.

Normal darkness magic was already a tool of destruction that could break down anything in sight. The only saving grace of darkness magic was that unlike its counter part of light magic which was actually a lot less rare, darkness magic was incapable of being used by most. Even if you possessed the qualities like light magic to use it That didn't mean your body could actually ward off the destructive energies your mana would produce, leading to many aspiring mages destroying themselves.

Light magic on the other hand would only ever backlash by making you hungry from an increased metabolism, resulting in it being far more sought after and less likely to kill you. For these reasons Shadow magic was only a thing of legend, as it required a level equivalent of a hard light mage and also a body strong enough to properly channel it. However in the legends shadow mages even simple human ones were forces to be reckoned with, What could someone like Faith do, Alzeor thought sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Oh… well I guess my little Faith is amazing after all, so its only natural he be able to use an amazing magic type" - Eshir said in wonder as she staring down at her little champion.

Eshir didn't actually care if it was rare or not, she knew her little Faith would be able to make due with whatever he was given. It hadn't worried her in the slightest when she learned that like her father he'd only be able to use one element, it just made her slightly… extremely jealous.

On a side note Dark and light magic wielders were praised just as much as their magic, being key figures in churches in human society as well as politically to give an example.

Eshir walked closer to Faith closely followed by Alzeor as well as his subordinates all transformed into humanoid form. When Faith noticed them he simply smiled with the full contentment and naivety of a child, warming all their hearts.

'Ahhhh this is just great isn't it. It feels like I'm on the beach sun bathing while just sitting here, and playing with these shadows is never gonna get old, isn't that right little shadow'

He thought patting the shadow that was directly appearing in front of him, stemming from his feet. When Faith had fully connected to the shadows for a brief second he felt like half of him was still missing, but that was quickly replaced by the joy he could feel from not only himself but the shadows as well. It was a strange feeling to Faith to be able to know the emotions of a being other then himself like they were his own, especially since said thing was literally shadows. But it wasn't surprising since the last time the shadows of this world had a master and one they could commune with, was more then fifty thousand years ago.

They had grown all to lonely in that time but when they'd felt something connecting to them again after so much silence they were simply overjoyed, swirling around Faith to show their master what they felt, forming and dissipating at his beck and call.

What Faith still couldn't get over was how natural they felt, as if they were but another arm. It was quite like how his now baby body couldn't quite keep up with what he wanted to do even with his increased motor functions, but it was still natural. He was honestly surprised this shadows had ever not been a part of him and felt at peace knowing they'd never leave him either.

'its kinda weird to feel them literally giving off emotions around me, but there isn't any malice only good will so I guess its fine. Maybe I can show mom… oh wait she can already see, shit I could of made it a cool surprise. Whatever I can just say 'mama' in a few weeks to accomplish that goal, I'm sure thats fine'

He thought not fully understanding the meaning behind a what would be 4 week old child speaking at that point. In any culture and race, that was very very far from normal.

"Who's my little devil, you are, yes you are" - Eshir said, bending down to pick up her son

The sight of Faith hugging oh so tightly to his mother like she was the most important thing in the world didn't baffle Alzeor anymore. He was just happy his son had a loving mother at this point.

The barrier dispersed at his command leading Alzeor to find himself surrounded by high ranking demons numbering at least three hundred maybe more. It was a large enough garden that they fit quite snuggly, kited in full battle equipment. They all seemed to be cheering together hyping themselves up for battle

"Lady Eshir, shall we teach these damn lizards where they belong" - a stone cold manly voice came from afar

Both Eshir and Faith recognised this voice as a man dressed in pure silvery black armour stepped forward to Eshir's side. The former knew him as her trusted right hand and also a boot licker who clearly had a thing for her, while the latter knew him as that annoying voice that seemed far to concerned with Eshir for his own good. It was the one person Faith actually tuned out due to how much of a moron he sounded like during his time in the womb.

Faith knew that a fight was about to break out for him, but as a man or now baby that hated conflict unless absolutely needed and also a baby down the road of social self improvement, he tried to ignore his surrounding.

Key word being tried.

For some reason this moron of a man at Eshir's side seemed to death stare Faith as if he was looking at a piece of shit on his new boots. Faith had a dragon spout at that exact moment as he stared right back at this man in the same way. Eshir noticed and was weighing wether the value of her right hand Man Ruleth Nobloom to her kingdom was worth more then his current actions. Thankfully she wasn't given time to get to her obvious answer as in the next instant shadows erupted from the surrounding, latching on to Ruleth before Throwing him hard against the castle wall shocking everyone present including Faith.

When the dust cleared it revealed a injured Ruleth with his armour in shambles and his expression contorted in pain, covered with blood and snot. His armour was decaying at a visible rate where the shadows had touched and cracks ran through it while his right eye was now completely bloodshot, not to mention the arm he'd landed on to break his fall being almost completely broken.

No one present had ever seen nor fully understood what shadow magic was capable of so they all just stood there in shock. Most of them didn't even know who had throw him, that was until Eshir and Alzeor both burst into laughter tainted with pride.

"Thats my boy, teach that worm the pride and might of a dragon aren't to be taken lightly" - Alzeor said

"Yes I have to agree with your Father on this one Faith. That was incredible and the right way to go about dealing with annoying boot lickers who don't know their place" - Eshir followed up caressing Faiths white hair

Every demon around including the now almost unconscious Ruleth Nobloom was astounded to hear that the prince was the one to do it. Ruleth felt immensely embarrassed as he had been deserving of his treatment. To think that Eshir's son would be almost exactly the same as her if not more fierce to almost kill him for a simple glare. It made Ruleth shudder but also gave him a some what sense of pride that Faith was actually truly worthy to be his Queens son, even if he was half lizard.

'I guess this just proves lady Eshir's blood is thicker and stronger then that damned lizard. Tough luck getting an heir to your throne, you simply gave our Queen a monster of a prince you prideful idiot'

Ruleth thought now completely switching gears in his opinion of Faith, seeing him not as a lizard's son but as proof that demons and more specifically Eshir were better then those lizards.

Faith on the other hand was starting to think his parents might be a bit of a bad influence in his quest to become a better person. He hadn't actually tried to do anything to the moron he'd just gazed back at him. Unknown to even Faith because of his special condition and connection being stronger to the shadows he didn't need to actively try and use them, or rather they simply acted in his favour this time.

The shadows themselves couldn't stand the thought that their master was being looked down on by some plebeian, so they'd taken things into their own hands. If Faith had been even a little older they would have been able to kill the man, but because of his still young body and low mana capacity (relative to Faith himself of course) they'd been unable to act further.

The shadows themselves could act only to a certain extent on their own before they would draw their masters power. It was honestly a miracle only made possible by Faith's stupid strong connection to them through the mana and world that they'd been able to do what they had so far.

Faith felt the strangest thing as Eshir and Alzeor calmed the demons around him down, telling them that they'd resolved the issue and Alzeor would be leaving shortly. It almost felt as if the shadows were cheering around Ruleths still down person.

'Nah it couldn't be, I'm just hearing things'

He thought unaware how right he was about hearing 'things'.

Those things of course being the shadows themselves.