(Ch 7)Growing

Faith's life continued on peacefully as normal in his baby body.

He'd grown to like Sapphire a lot, she'd been a bit distant at first but after time she really seemed to grow attached to him feeling like an older sister more then a maid. Eshir still spent every waking second she could with Faith but gave him just enough time on his own to form independence, not that she actually wanted to but was advised she should.

Faith was able to gather that demons seemed to mature faster then normal humans as when he was nearing the age of one he already had the motor function and body of about 1.5 times faster then he should. His shadow magic was coming along nicely as well. It seemed at least to Faith that his magic wanted him to grow as much as he did lending him insight in the form of those gut feeling.

Faith was already capable of manipulating existing shadows and drawing power and mana from them so he decided to do the opposite. He would try and reverse the effect channeling his mana into shadows and the results were quite astounding. Faith could freely move and bend any existing shadow but they still stemmed from shadows, however his shadow like magic could be bent and moved at any angle at any position exactly as if it were pure mana.

Alzeor had been blown away when he learned that Faith was capable of Elemental exchange and had learnt it on his own. Even dragons would get guidance in the basics from their parents but Faith had blow past his expectations, passing tests before he even gave them. Alzeor had also been called 'dada' on that trip tempting him to stay in the castle permanently.

Speaking of castle Eshir had toured Faith around it when he was six months old showing him all its odd and ends. It had rooms for training, mana smithing, alchemy and all the other things you'f expect from a royal castle. Faith learned that it actually housed the entire royal demon bloodline but since his cousins weren't the leading bloodline, they would only be given the name Exodus and not the status that came with it.

On a side note Faith had never met any of his cousins but he desperately wanted to make friends and test out the techniques he'd been practicing for social interaction. Of course if he had met them He would've realised how they were nothing but jealous brats who thought the thrown belonged to them and some damn half lizard had taken it away. Power may have been prevalent in order for success in demon society, but like humans racial divides and stereotypes were still common even among royalty.

She'd shown him the royal thrown room which was of course coloured and filled with black, purple and red pillars and tapestry's of all kinds bearing the Exodus crest. The walls were even lined with weapons of the previous kings and queens. The thrown itself was made of pure black crystal with hues of purple energy coursing through it.

Faith had a little dragon trip when he'd seen it at first, immediately imaging himself sitting arrogantly upon it in the finest cloths, looking down at the unworthy masses gazing upon him. He'd snapped out of it when Eshir had explained that this wasn't the first or real thrown room but was the one they used for 'Reasons'.

On their way out of the room the shadows seemed to point Faith's gaze in the direction of the first demon kings statue, Exodus the dark lord. It seemed almost excited by something around or in that statue and when he'd asked what the shadows had simply implanted one word in his mind.


Faith had absolutely no interest in gaining anymore power then he already had, and knew that being greedy with things like that would corrupt him so he quickly shelved that thought. When Faith turned one, his family consisting of his mother and father celebrated by taking him around the city in a festival of sorts. A festival in his honour he soon realised.

"Look little one, all these people are her to see your adorable little self" - Eshir said casually showing off Faith in front of the massive crowd that had gathered. Faith was already bad with social situations so being paraded around like this was a nightmare in the making. Thankfully he'd been rewarded with a giant cake which he could only eat a small piece of. For the most partFaiths life continued in this fashion. He was took young to attend social events and although he was willing, Faith had come to terms with the fact that his ideal friends wasn't going to be demons. They were just too intense and they praised him far too much.

He loved his mother and Sapphire at this point more then anything, but the rest of his race was well just too violent and fourth going for his tastes. They were demons so he couldn't really blame them but it was a huge hole in his heart to know he probably wouldn't make any real friends. He faithfully continued to fill this hole with magic training and now a type of physical training he had invented. It really just consisted of moving his body around fast and slow in a bunch of awkward angles to help build his motor functions and flexibility.

He'd also adopted stretches and very very minor resistance training which helped him soothe his ever growing loneliness that seemed to refuse to leave him alone. The more people in his life Faith had, the more he wanted. He wanted to be able to make others feel as he felt when being showered in affection by his now family of Eshir, Sapphire and Alzeor. There was no love between Eshir and Alzeor but their common interest in Faith led to a business like relationship of sharing tips and tricks as well as advice on all things Faith Exodus.

Alzeor had started to teach Faith literacy and mathematics along with magic basics he still hadn't fully grasped. His father said that in order to wield magic to its fullest you needed to understand it, and literacy and mathematics were paths to understanding that would help his growth. Eshir didn't object as the way dragons and non dragons used magic was completely different.

Faith would constantly keep up this regime as his body grew more and more. Finding weights for his resistance training had been a bit of a problem when Faith actually started to realise how strong he was but he managed after consulting with his mother.

Like that Faith grew to four years old with nothing that exciting happening apart form his body slowly growing and his magic power increasing. It wasn't Boring at all in Faiths opinion as now the idea of becoming stronger actually became rather appealing. Not only would be people naturally be attracted to his strength helping to bridge the gap his poor social skills made, but it was also just really fun the more he did it.

'Its like building a house one brick at a time, laying on the foundations one by one except its my own body so its ten times more satisfying'

He would often think. After Faith turned two years old he'd communicated to his parents his dislike of the parade leading them to simply hold a party together with all three of them. His family was far more functional then you would have guessed thanks to the pivotal corner stone i.e Faith being a perfect bridge between his mother and father.

However on his fourth birthday he was woken up by Sapphire informed that his Father and mother needed to see him for something important.

"Come on Faith, wake up" - she said rushingly

Faith got up slowly, tired from the mana training he'd been doing last night. It looked like he'd gone a little to far bending all the shadows in his room to a picture of a telly tubby. It was too funny for him to regret seeing the nightmare tubby though.

"What is it *yawn* sapphire?" - Faith asked

"Your mother and father have requested your presence, and it seemed very important. You didn't forget it was your birthday did you?" - She asked again

Conveniently for Faith seasoned works the same as they did on earth only being named after the four natural elements instead. He happened to be born in the winter months of the year right in the middle, which was actually his preferred season.

"I dont forget, I just lose track of the days.. kinda" - he replied

Sapphire didn't look amused in the slightest, simply shaking her head at the four years olds strange reasoning.

"While whatever the case may be, you need to go meet your parent as of yesterday. They seem serious about it, more then normal" - she said with a slightly worried expression

Faith being paranoid from lack of Faith instantly thought that the other races were invading but that idea lost motion quick. He wouldn't be summoned if that was the case, he'd simply be taken mid way through his sleep by his parents. Through the books in the royal library he visited every other week Faith had learned about the how the Races of Light-Dark and Dark-Light worked as well as where their home was found.

The demon capital of Exodus was located in the very northern most part of the know world situated on the main continent. Turned out that humans weren't actually far off and neither were elves, though that was on a map and Faith had no way of knowing the actual distant between lands.

"alright if its that important then I'll get to it" - he said

It only took him a matter of minutes to get ready with Sapphire's help, dressing himself in his usual demon style royal garments. He made his way with Sapphire in tow to the royal dining hall.

When Faith arrived he noticed how heavy the air felt, even though it was his birthday something was defiantly up. When he saw the expression on his mother and father's faces it all but sealed the deal. They weren't even eating just staring at him with worry and anticipation

"Son your going to need to sit down for this, we have some very important news for you. It concerns what will happen moving forward from now on" - Alzeor spoke in a deep tone

Faith didn't dare disobey his father even though his magical presence didn't shake him in the slightest anymore. Being around him enough and being a dragon had made Faith all but immune to the magical type intimidation. After Faith sat down Eshir land Alzeor looked at each other before Eshir seemed to rack up the courage to announce what was so serious.

"We have just received word that in two years time, the first social meeting between the races of Light-dark and Dark-light will take place. All the high ranking officials will need to attend along with their heirs so that they understand what the peace treaty is really about when its their turn to rule" - she said without flinching at her own words

Faith was shocked more then a little and his parents could see it, although it was for a very different reason then what they assumed.

'Fuck yes I'm finally gonna get to meet humans and other races that aren't full blown blood rage junkies. I love my race to death but I seriously need a easier starting point before befriending any of them. THIS IS THE PERFECT CHANCE TO PUT MY SKILLS TO THE TEST'

He thought having a reaction almost opposite to what his parents thought he was having. The truth that all of them knew was that this meeting and social event would be the last nail in the coffin for the treaty. All races of Light and dark had common enemies like actual monsters and mana beasts so it wasn't much of a surprise that they had made a treaty. But the problem with it was that one misstep would send it all crumbling down as blind trust wasn't a common trait among rulers.

This event was not only to help show their children the importance of what the treaty was but It was also to make sure no idiot was getting cold feet on account of lofty ideals. There was also another reason though….. that closely tied in to why Faith was summoned on his 4th birthday

"Darling I love you more then anything so thats is why I'm telling you this. Those other kids, the heirs, will eat you alive if you aren't prepared for them" - Eshir stated in a solemn tone

Faith cloud nine plummeted to hell and it immediately showed on his face. They were going to eat him alive? Did that mean that because he was the heir to two different races he'd be outcasted or bullied.


He thought in rage. How was it fair that he would be outcasted because he simply had more potential and power. They didn't know him yet they'd automatically assume they didn't need too nor want to. It infuriated and saddened Faith but he managed to swallow it back, his parents would never present a problem without thinking of solutions first.

"Is…. There any way I can prevent that from happening, how can I prepare?" - Faith asked

Alzeor saw a flicker of hope followed by determination in his sons eyes, he wasn't sure why but he felt he needed to stoke that flame quickly before it burnt out.

"Of course there is Faith. Your magic isn't an option for a way to prevent them from coming after you since it will simply label you as someone who cant fight back without it. Unfortunately due to your age by the time this event comes around you will still be incapable of transforming into your other form so thats not an option. These kids will try and prove your weak and not worthy to boost themselves and their race so the only real way to beat them is with something that takes nothing but hard work, something they cant deny" - he stated with pride in his sons determination

Faith was having trouble holding back the tears since he actually seemed to have a proper route out of his problem. I didn't matter how hard he had to work, Faith would make them accept him, he would show them who he was in this new world.

"And how is that father?" He asked fire burning in his eyes

Alzeor liked the look in his sons eyes. It was the look of someone who wouldn't be stopped by anything in their path for what they desired.

"Simple, you will learn how to fight and use a weapon. You will practice and practice until your bones are cracking and your muscles are bare, then you will keep going. Faith you mustn't stop till the weapon you've chosen becomes a part of you, like your magic. It must be natural to you that the weapon you wield becomes one with you. It will become not a method of combat but a beautiful art form thats weaved together from your skill, ability and knowledge of your own weapon. Only then when you truly become one with it, will that be undeniable truth of the son I know. You will only have two years so are you sure your ready for it" - his father asked

Faith didn't need to think

'I need a weapon not to conquer my foes but simply so they cannot conquer me. I need undeniable proof I am worthy of who I am. I can do it, no I must do it'

He thought dreaming of all the friends his cool swords skills would get him. They might not respect him as a person but anyone thats ever gotten anywhere important in their lives would always respect hard work.

"I will father, I'll master a weapon in two years" - he said, his eyes burning with a desire not for strength itself but simply for its rewards, its freedom.

Alzeor and Eshirfelt a cold shiver go down their spines when they met their sons gaze.

It wasn't the look of a four year old boy, but one of an unstoppable lord, hell bent on his goal, destroying everything in his path towards it.