(Ch 40)Two for one

"BUT MINI-ME!!!" Faith cried into the silver fur of Luna while Alzeor held him back.

"Mini what?" Alzeor replied confused by what the hell his son was on about. Even with all his pent up paranoia about being a good parent and letting his children around Eshir for too long Alzeor wouldn't dare open that door.

"Dad if we don't go in we'll miss it" Faith replied, trying his best to reach the door barely a metre away and failing abysmally.

"Little one… in there lies a beast best not disturbed" Alzeor replied, a cold sweat going down his spine.

No amount of gold, power, or prestige was worth going in there and even as a father, Alzeor could only pity the poor servants that were helping with the delivery.

"Besides your mother will be fi-" Midway through reassuring his son screams started from behind the door.

'Well that's not right, there's no way a little pain would make that witch scream' Alzeor thought while Faith, started scraping out of his hold trying to get to his mother.

That was until… Father and Son at once realised that they were screams of joy, not pain. Their surprise was elevated to another level when one of the servants who Faith recognised helped with his own delivery burst through the door, in a seemly panicked state.

"Lord Alzeor, I'm sorry to trouble you but we desperately require your assistance" The woman, sweating profusely asked.

Neither of them were ready for Faith, who exploited the shadows now visible in his mother's room to shadow step out of his fathers hold and towards his destination, Luna still full-sized with him.

"What the?" Alzeor said, taken aback that his son could do something like that. Most of Faith's spells such as shadow step and shadow stalk he had kept to himself.

Still though Faith's target was in sight now, namely his mother with a sheet over her dressed in what was this worlds closest equivalent of a medical gown.

'Mini-me time' Faith thought.

Though he was certainly taken aback when he noticed not one but two little things his mother held, stars in her eyes gazing down at them.

"mini… me's?" Faith mumbled understanding that there was in fact more than one mini-me.

Alzeor had followed behind Faith, given a slight burst of courage to enter the room with his son's presence already. He unlike the Faith who had stepped to the side of the room was given an unrestricted view of the new additions to the family.

In the arms of the crazy demon woman, he'd come to fear was two babies, one calm while the other was crying like there was no tomorrow. Eshir herself seemed to be unwilling to let go of her new children and Alzeor could only thank that the delivery process had at least been finished before the witch had become clingy.

It didn't take long for Faith to rush to the bed himself, seeing his two news sibling in his mothers loving embrace as her purple eyes left them for a second, noticing Faith. Unfazed by the arrival of the now one of three children she had Eshir set her loving eyes back on the two little ones beneath her.

Both of the little ones unlike Faith resembled only one of their parents. one having white hair and purple eyes, while the other had jet black hair and red eyes. The one resembling his mother was calm while the one resembling his father was crying.

'MINI ME'S!!!' Faith thought, doing a mini jump of joy on the bed seeing his two new siblings.

"Sweetie, would you like to say hello to your two new sisters?" Eshir asked, seeing her son do his cute little dance of joy at the arrival of his sibling.

"Yeah!!" Faith replied, leaning over to get a proper look at his new siblings.

"The one on the left is Ruby and the one on the right is amethyst" pointing to the black-haired one than the white-haired one.

'Those names aren't really creative are they' Luna cynical as all ways pointed out, noticing that their respective names were clearly derived from the gemstone variant of their eye colour.

'Screw you I love them' Faith replied staring down at his two little sisters in wonder.

Both of them had already tried to grab Luna besides Faith more than once, being incredibly fluffy and cute with a non-hostile aura around her made for a supreme baby target. Much to the Rexels dismay. Faith however starred at the little ones, enthralled by every little thing they did.

"Hello," He said with a smile on his face hard to describe as he put his finger in front of them which Amethyst the white-haired demon promptly grabbed and bit down on. She reeled back when finding that the finger was not yummy and the skin far too hard for her teeth to chew through. Ruby who was crying until now seemed to find this funny and started giggling to her self, much to the dismay oh her twin who in turn started to cry.

"Dad come look" Faith called, finding the finger bite rather cute instead of alarming. After all these were baby demons it wasn't too surprising of a thing for them to bite anything that wasn't their mother.

Alzeor didn't exactly want to approach the witch but with his son there and his interest in the newborns, Alzeor couldn't resist, scooting his ass over to them.

Once he found out that one of the two twins looked exactly like him, Alzeor was ecstatic as one could imagine while Eshir had very plainly stated that she'd turn his head into a trophy if he even suggested taking Ruby away.

Faith after getting over his initial jolt of happiness was a little disappointed that neither of them looked like him.

'See they aren't mini you' Luna said, happy she'd been proven right.

'Fuck you Luna, if they aren't mini me's then I'll just make em myself' Faith shouted in his mind to the heavens, determined to the end to meet a mini version of himself.

'Didn't you say that only dumbfucks would agree to have children with you?' Luna asking remembering one of Faith's rare cynical moments.

'There are a lot of dumbfucks in the world Luna, just gotta find the right one' Faith answered, Though he probably wouldn't take this road. Faith junior had been implanted in his mind and he was determined to make it happen but romance was still an iffy subject.

'And if that doesn't work, I'll just clone myself' Faith answered with even more spirit.

'And if that doesn't work then I'll just steal the essence of Chaos Faith when we have are inevitable duel to replicated a mini me' Faith said, declaring the new goal on his list of things to do.

'Chaos Faith?' Luna asked confused while Faith was kicked out of his mother's room.

She needed rest and so did the babies, Faith respected the fact that it was best to give them privacy as he plotted for his ultimate mini Faith goal.

"Yeah it's me but evil, like my counterpart born from Chaos to duel me to the death. I will destroy him then use his essence to create a mini Faith then train that Faith to fight his own chaos version. Thus an endless cycle of mini me's. PURE GENIUS!!!" Faith shouted in his bed, Even though he had just woken up he was rather tired from all the shadow steps and decided a quick nap was In order.

'There's just one problem with that' - Luna piped up while he was making his bed.

"And that is," Faith asked.

'Chaos Faith isn't a real thing and cloning yourself is taboo magic' Luna responded.

"So what your saying is?"

'Your only real avenue is to hope to god your next sibling if you have one looks mixed like yourself or to find someone your lack of social skills can seduce'

"I pick option 1."

'Are you like afraid of women or something?' Luna asked, confused why he seemed adamant about avoiding a romantic type relationship with the other sex.

Faith for once couldn't reply because he honestly wasn't sure. He wanted to make everyone around him that cared for him feel wanted and happy but the thought of any type of romantic relationship fizzled out almost immediately after he thought of it.

It was almost like his mind was subconsciously avoiding it at all costs, diverting his attention away from that fact that as a prince he'd probably eventually have to marry and have children.

"It's hard to explain but… the thought of anything like that brings a sort of pain in my chest like I'm chocking. I think its best we just stop talking about it, for now, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it" Faith replied, the thought bringing him discomfort and making his shadow wiggle around in discontented, though he didn't notice that.