(Ch 42)Early present

Within the Exodus castle, a scene that had played more than once was happening once again, as a poor Rexel was running for her life away from two greedy little demons.

'FAITH HELP ME!!!' Luna begged, dodging the scarily nimble Amethyst who tried to claw her way onto luna.

"I thought you were always bored, now you have something to do" Faith replied focusing on his precision with shadow magic while the poor Rexel fended off the two little monsters.

Three months had passed since Faith had gained his twin sisters and during that time he'd put on hold a lot of his normal chores and training to help out his mother and just enjoy time with the two little bundles of joy.

On the few occasions like now when Eshir decided to actually attend her duties that didn't have maternity leave no matter how much she wanted them to Faith would take care of Ruby and Amethyst in her stead. Turned out apart from Alzeor, Eshir and Faith the little demons would viciously attack anyone that came near.

This was normal for most infant demons but a wake-up call for Eshir since Faith was by far an exception and she wasn't exactly prepared for the reality of her children's temper. She still loved them with all her heart, it's just now she knew how lucky she'd been with Faith and how well behaved he was.

Faith for his part wasn't opposed to taking care of them at all since he'd normally spend time with them anyway even if his mother was there. He'd quickly found that both his younger sisters loved to play… or rather torture Luna.

"I'm sure it's fine" Faith mumbled while trying to form his shadow into a material object and failing abysmally.

No matter how much time he spent Faith just couldn't figure out how to change the nature of shadows.

"Fat lotta good you've been" he spat out looking down at his own shadow spitefully.

It annoyed him that no matter what his own shadow was the only one he could not move or do anything with. It was like being able to control everyone else's arms but having no control over your own.

'Faith, for god's sake, get these little gremlins away from me' Luna begged as Ruby managed to get a hold on her leg, letting out a cute yet slightly terrifying mini cackle.

"You dug this grave by being so loveable, now lie in it" Faith replied, slightly frightened by his own siblings.

He had found out the hard that the two little ones could climb. On one of the occasions Eshir was out Ruby had decided she was hungry and being the impatient little demon she was, turned to her big brother. Faith found out that day that demons weren't picky eaters and also their teeth even as infants were strong enough to bite through his vest and shirt.

'If my skin wasn't harder then a normal demon I would've probably lost one of my nipples' Faith thought, remembering that day and shuddering at the thought.

Faith was struck out of his thoughts when Amethyst decided that Luna wasn't as fun as her big brother, launching herself onto him and giggling while climbing up her brother for fun. Faith was honestly shocked at first when he found out how mobile demon-dragon infants were but thinking back to himself it made a lot of sense.

Faith picked up the small white-haired purpled eyed Amethyst before plopping her on the plushie of a light dragon he retrieved from his space between shadows. Finding a new soft surface and having just now realised how exhausted she was because of it Amethyst drifted off to sleep.

"We may be sibling but I show no mercy" Faith spoke, proud his secret weapon against his sisters had worked once again.

Something interesting he'd found out about Ruby and Amethyst was that although their personalities differed a lot they both seemed to still love each other and their family all the same. Amethyst had even tried to follow Alzeor when he attempted to leave after staying with them for far longer then he should've, albeit only being four days.

It warmed Alzeor's heart and almost broke Eshir's when she saw how sad Amethyst was to see Alzeor go. The Babies had no concept of time leaving to then come back and thought their father was going away forever

"Faith sweetie, I'm back are. you ready to go?" The voice of his mother called from the open door on the other side of the room.

"Go where?" Faith replied, confused why he was seeing his mother in a dress that matched her eyes, streaked with black the lower down it went.

It wasn't the first time Faith had seen his mother dressed up but it was the first time to this extent, with jewellery, a crown-like braid and even what Faith assumed was makeup. Once again he was in awe and filled with pride at the beauty his mother possessed.

'Go mom, your the best' he thought internally, earning a snort and laughter from Luna.

"Why to the meeting of the Dark-light and Light-dark of course, it's today. Did no one come to tell you?" His mother asked with a curious gaze.

"No, they didn't." Faith replied

"Damn nobles," Eshir mumbled under her breath, though Faith still heard it.

Without delay, Eshir rushed out of the room before returning with a black metal case with golden edges. She handed it to Faith before picking up both Ruby and Amethyst woke up In her arms as she nursed them.

"Open it dear," Eshir said with a hurrying yet expectant tone, her eyes hungry to see him open it.

"Okie Dokie." Faith replied, unclipping the lock and lifting the lid of the casing.

Inside was an elegant longsword, with a sparkling white blade attached to an almost pitch black hilt and crossguard accompanied by a pitch-black sheath. The crossguard was two metal stripes entwined together while the hilt was quite standard, though the pommel was a sharpened single-sided end with a small hole through the middle of it.

The blade itself was doubled sided and littered with pitch-black runes along the middle, that hummed with a strange sound the closer Faith got. Though Faith couldn't use Runes, he could discern that the ones used on its blade were powerful as they leaked a familiar magical aura.

Beneath the blade were also a finely sewn pair of suit pants, jacket and a vest. both black the suit and jacket were black with golden embroidery while the vest was a slightly lighter grey with a cotton white shirt underneath it all. It also came with white cufflinks that resembled Faith's snow-white hair. (AN: If you wanna an idea of what it looks like, the cover art is it.)

"I know its early but happy birthday my little devil, I hope you like it. I only know how to forge a longsword and your father enchanted it but neither of us can sew so the clothes were simply made with our supervision and input" Eshir said with a dazzling smile, making Faith question how the hell he'd gotten so lucky to have such a wonderful mother once again.

"Thanks, I love it but I love you more," Faith said, clinging into a slightly awkward embrace with his mother.

She was still holding two infants, after all, so a full-on hug was too much but simply letting him cling onto her leg wasn't enough.

"I'm glad dear, you can tell your father tonight when you see him too. As much as I hate to admit it he gathered all the rune smiths and darkness mages he could to enchant and engrave it. From what I understand its no less powerful than his own sword and is akin to coming of age gift for dragons" Eshir said, adding a new thing for Faith to hug his father for.

'I'll squeeze him to death with my happiness' Faith thought to himself.

'He's a dragon how the hell are you gonna even get your arms around him' Luna replied through their linked souls.

'I'll find a way' Faith thought, determined to fully embrace his father's true form in a hug one day even if that road wasn't easy.

Only then did he notice his mother looking at him rather expectantly, clearly excited to see him adorn his birthday present.

"Could you turn around, please?" Faith asked a little shyly in a small voice.

"Oh, right sorry" Eshir replied turning around while becoming preoccupied

Faith didn't touch the sword yet, moving to simply adorn the pants, jacket, shirt, vest and cufflinks. It was easier to move in and from the magical aura it emitted, Faith could tell it was something that would fit him no matter how he grew.

"I'm done you can turn around," Faith said with the same shyness as before.

Eshir gasped when she saw her son properly adorned in a properly made royal suit for the first time before going starry-eyed. She was by nature a calm and composed person so she simply said the first thing to come to her mind that felt right.

"You look so adorable!" She said, a little more enthusiast then normal.

"Don't you think so girls?" She said looking down at the two infants lazying around in her arms.