(Ch 48)Meeting of the Twelve IV

Faith and Reasla arrived at the Terrance relatively easily without anyone in particular bothering them on their walk. The Terrance itself was open-roofed and in between the second dining room that seated the still important but far less notable individuals.

It had a garden appearance with blooming flowers and ponds scattered about that one would expect of a relaxation area. Faith was dazzled by the flowers that were blooming in every colour of the rainbow and of the view outside.

'How did I not notice we were on a hill, and so high up too' Faith wondered.

'Dragons are born to be high above the Skies so I don't see why it would bother you' Luna replied.

Born originally a human was a pain when his preset idea conflicted with the truths of himself. It pissed him off because despite being a so-called "Dragon" not once had he ever done something even remotely dragon apart from using magic and breathing fire.

"I got no scales, no wings and no tail… I want a tail!" Faith pouted, starring at his tail-less backside in disapproval.

"Pardon?" Reasla asked as they entered the closed-off garden.

"oh it-"

"Shut it you damned fish stick" Voices and sounds of fighting interrupted Faith's ill-prepared excuse.

He witnessed a sight he would never forget as a dove winged boy of about 14, who didn't in the slightest resemble an angel, attempt to strangle a girl of equal looking age who had strange gill-like protrusions on her exposed torso.

There was a myriad of onlookers and from the look on Reasla face this wasn't the first fight to break out. Faith didn't get out much, being a hermit of habit like a lot of his draconic brethren but he had to admit watching a bird person try and kill a fish person wasn't something he thought he'd ever see.

'half a piece of steak on the girl winning' Luna chimed in.

'Luna we don't bet on children fighting' Faith replied.

'We do if we can win, quick Faith, I can't talk so use that charisma of yours to swindle people into the bet'

'I'm not starting a child gambling ring so you can get extra portions of steak'

'Dammit Faith if I had two tails I'd switch forms and slap you'

'Switch forms?'

'I'm part god dickhead, I can look like whatever I want with two tails'

'Why have I never been told this!?!'

"Faith are you listening?" Reasla asked, ending her explanation on the age-old rivalries between races that Faith had completely ignored.

'It's probably rude to lie' he reasoned.

"Absolutely" was what he actually replied with, knowing he had no way to navigate himself through that sea of excuses.

The fight ended with a giant teenager breaking them up, though he was far more forceful with the winged boy. The Merfolk thanked the giant and stepped back to what had been coined as their side of the garden while the Avian retreated to his own side being shortly backed up by another boy about half his size that was thin with skin glittering in a gem-like sparkle.

'I reckon the giant and gnome will go at it' Luna guessed.

'So we're just gonna glaze over the fact that you can transform and we haven't used that to its potential for fun yet' Faith replied.

'It's not that big of a difference, If you polymorphed into a dragon it would be the same thing… actually I take it back you make a valid point

'I'm not giving you rides Luna'

'I'll find a way' Luna replied.

Faith arrival which due to his arguments with Luna had left him standing right at the entrance in between the "line" which Reasla had beckoned him more than once to cross over to Dark-light. An angry dwarf, giant, elf and merfolk were starring at him full of envy and hate

The elf, Ervis's granddaughter Ivory drasil was the first to act. From her stride it was evident she had a bone to pick with Faith and despite her two years of age over him Faith still stood far taller. Faith just tilted his head to the side as he watched the angry little elf walk towards him like a raging toddler.

"Can I help you?" He asked, when she was not but a foot away.

"You can stay on your side, dirty half breed" Ivory replied.

Faith eyes were filled with shock and disappointment, understanding that none of the people on Light-dark side seemed to wanna be friendly. What he failed to realise was that his mask, the one he wore as to not give away his giddy childish nature, depicted not a depressed child but a prince who in response to a verbal jab just showed disappointment.

Ivory's fists balled and her knuckles turned white looking at the boy who only sighed in disappointment at her presence like she wasn't worthy of his time.

'Those two monsters are pee's in a pod, thinking they're better than everyone else' Ivory thought, staring up at Faith with nothing but Faith.

Her grandfather would not shut up about the boy whenever he came on, going on and on about how special and talented he was. Ervis never actually insulted his grandchildren but he had accidentally created an inferiority complex around Faith.

Both Faith and Ivory just starred at each other awkwardly for a few seconds before he noticed Krus staring at him. The boy had beefed up his frame a bit but was still stalky as most mages tended to be.

'And my out has been found' Faith thought, shadowing stepping next to Krus.

"Wha-" Ivory was stunned that there could be another person in the world just as rude as Anima.

Faith stood behind Krus, calming using the boy shorter than himself for cover against the angry elf he'd just pissed off even more.

"Krus, help me" Faith whispered, grabbing the poor dark elf by the shoulder.

The tanned elf with shimmering purple hair just looked at the slightly crouching Faith in confusion. Dark elves and normal elves didn't get along at all, so how in hell was he meant to help

"Not sure how I can" Krus replied. "Plus what's in for me?"

"I'll let you look at my shiny new sword, some of the runes are based off the darkness element and I've got no idea what they say or do."

"Isn't that just turning me into your personal rune scribe?"

"Nah, its hobby bonding. Besides your the only one here I can confidently call a friend" Faith answered.

Both the Avian and gnome were a bit insulted that Faith regarded them so poorly, while Reasla understood that their entire conversation did nothing to sway faith's opinion of her. In truth Faith simply didn't want to call anyone a friend for them to reject the notion. Such embarrassment was something Luna would never let him live down.

"As nice as that is, I can't mend a bridge between you and an elf, only burn it," Krus said.

"Well, at least you were willing to try" Faith replied. "So um… what do we do? Is this like a little league meeting or some school debate team deal?"

"What's a "School debate team" Faith?" Reasla asked, inviting herself into the conversation while the Light-dark crew all continued a contest of who could Throw the best insult at these sinful creatures.

Only then did Faith realised he'd spoken "School debate team" in perfect English instead of the common tongue.

'Huh… wait a minute'

"Can you guys understand me?" Faith asked, speaking in English.

"Are you alright Faith?" Reasla asked, checking if the gibberish speaking demon had a temperature.

'Hey, Luna can you understand me?' Faith asked.

'yeah but keep in mind we still speak and understand completely different languages. you and I specifically speak through the soul's voice instead of a verbal one. The sounds coming out your mouth though did seem to change for me' She answered.

'Still amazes me how you know all this stuff.'

'And it amazes me how you managed to get a familiar with so little knowledge of their customs and abilities, do even understand how lucky bonding with a Rexel actually is?'

'Nope, but I wouldn't trade you for all the extra friends in the world Luna' Faith answered, getting only silence in return.


Faith was wondering where the hell his Rexel had scampered off too, finding his vest pocket empty as Luna retreated to his soul space. He failed to see the crowd of Dark-light, including Reasla and Krus, step away from him while the Light-dark gang were smirking even if they too were a little bit afraid.

"You" A soft voice came from behind me.

"Me?" Faith asked turning.

Behind him stood a sweet but albeit slightly ethereal little girl. She looked about his age and stood eye for eye with himself, which was quite impressive given Demons innate growth speed being higher than usual.

Her almost transparent white hair intrigued Faith slightly but the lack of expression on her apathetic face stood out more. Too most it might seem uncaring like everything was beneath her but to Faith, it just looked… sad.

Like she didn't even bother with an expression because she knew it wouldn't matter.

'Hehehe… I smell friendship' Faith thought, adorning a shining expression of a friendship hound, seeking out friends with violent aggression.