No one has cared about that speech.

But I was somewhat overthinking about it.

Honestly, I'm not that much worried about my friends, it's all about aira.

One of my luckiest thing is, I can look at her without letting her notice me as I am a backbencher.

Though I study somewhat fine, I still love to be a 'backbencher' whereas she is complete opposite as she loves to be 'frontbencher'

She sits in 1st bench of 2nd ( middle ) row and I sit in the last bench of 3rd row.

My friends started teasing me again.( not to mention but everyday this happens).

My friends always encourages me to take a step further and propose her, but I take several steps backward as I don't have enough 'courage'.

It's been few years since I've started loving her.

This might be the only year left for me to propose to her.

This is the deadline, I must do it this year.

Through all these years, I've been faking friendship with her.

I was scared about what if she stops talking to me after I confess my feelings to her.

Even my friendship with her will break due to that, honestly, i don't want friendship from her, but i just don't know why, everytime I try to confess to her, my mouth shuts on its own.

I don't even have enough courage to talk to her directly, i just chat with her whenever I have the time ( honestly, i have it all the time ).

I'll always eat her brain by asking her whether she loves someone or not, I'll be jealous if she talks to anyone else more than me.

We both had few funny fights too.

She'll get hurt sometimes due to my over possesiveness as i always asks her whether she has someone in her heart though she always reply with 'no'.

" If you can't propose directly, then atleast confess your feelings in chat" Arman( my friend ) said.

" No! If he do like that, she might think he's a scaredy cat" alok( my another friend) said.

" He actually is" Arman said.

They both laughed.

" Just answer me this question, if you don't have enough courage to propose her, then why are you loving her? " alok asked.

" Just stop it! I have enough courage to love her but not enough to confess to her" I said.

" Without courage, you can't do anything, if you don't have enough courage to confess, then quit loving her" Arman said.

I want to yell at him so bad.

But, the bell rang.

Our physics teacher has entered the class.

" Today, I don't want to say any 10th class topics, I just want to discuss an interesting topic that most of you will love" said physics teacher.

" And it's about 'time', one of the most fascinating topic in the world" physics sir said.

He somewhat grabbed our attention by saying 'one of the most fascinating topic in the world'

" So, let's begin" physics sir said.