Beyond Perfection

Athena’s P.O.V.

“Never mind,” he replied.

He broke our eye contact, and that made me feel kind of disappointed. I felt like I was hung on a cliff.

“Hmm… would you mind if I asked you something, Helena? About your mom?” Cristoff asked, maybe because he noticed my sour expression. He was already done with the red eggs so he began slicing the tomatoes.

“About my mom? Three words that start with A-B-C. Well, she was an amazing, beautiful, and compassionate woman, and I always looked up to her. She was full-Spanish, had green eyes as well, and once she talks, her accent was so gorgeous! You couldn’t help yourself but listen to her words. I think that was one of the main reasons why my strict Dad fell in love with her. She was a woman of dignity, but she died when I was only six. I guessed I’ll tell you the other things some other time, Cristoff.”