Rivals To Lovers

David’s P.O.V.

“Ssh… it’s okay. I must admit that I wasn’t able to stop myself too. I was completely drawn to you. But to tell you, it was my first French kiss, Cristoff! You stole my every first!” Helena blushed as she spanked my shoulder.

‘Oh, that’s it! She is starting to beat me again! Hmm, I think kissing her would make her stop hitting me. Can I do that again?’ But no, I respected her, and that was the main reason why I was able to control myself from ravaging her further.

“Hmm… did someone tell you that you are too cute whenever you blushed, Helena?” I playfully pinched her nose, but later on, my expression became serious. My eyes wandered around her beautiful face. My hands also moved on their own accord and tucked some of her hair strands at the back of her ears.

“But, Helena… is it true that I would never have any chance on you? You know, we just did what lovers do—” I was surprised when she suddenly cut my sentence off.