The Highest Peak

David’s P.O.V.

Helena’s bedroom was covered in white and red, but mostly with red shades. It looked very feminine and suited her taste.

It was the first time I was able to get in here. I guessed that Helena’s room was even bigger than our whole house, and that made me gape. She even had a second floor or attic room with a spiral staircase, in addition to her princess-like bed with four white poles and lacey red curtains.

“Do you like what you’re seeing? Oh, that attic room was actually a pillow room. A-Athena and I used to have a pillow fight over there, but it was all just our plaything. Nothing serious.” Helena might have noticed me gawking around every corner of her enormous bedroom.

“Yeah. But I like you more than anything else,” I replied, and that made Helena smile again.