Lovers' Quarrel

David’s P.O.V.

“Can you please let me go and stop this bullshit, Drew! I said I don’t want to go with you! Let me go!” Vanessa was screaming while pulling her left arm away from Drew. From the way I saw it, she was hurting.

“Oh please, Vanessa! Can’t you even hear yourself, huh? After all we’ve been through together, you call this one bullshit? You will surely love what we will do because what’s new, huh? We’re always doing this, so please don’t act innocent here. You used to chase after me!” Drew barked as if he didn’t care about some of the students passing by and was already curious about them. He was irrefutably a loser by hurting his girl for no apparent reason.

Helena immediately noticed my desire to intervene, so she possessively held my right forearm to stop me. It was the first time that she grasped me a little bit tighter, that I could even feel her nails digging against my skin.