So Near, Yet So Far

David’s P.O.V.

“Hmm… I’ll go straight to the point, David. I regret to inform you that you will never be the class valedictorian for this year. But still, I want to congratulate you for being the class salutatorian,” Mrs. Cheng seriously said while we were having a closed-door meeting today in the faculty room.

“Wait, Ma’am! If you d-don’t mind me asking, h-how did it happen?” I couldn’t help but grimace at what I heard before I felt my knees suddenly tremble.

Then, I continued. “I’m sorry to question the rankings, but I’m just confused. I mean—from the first up to the third grading period—I am always the top one in the final gradings. Maybe… there’s something wrong with the computation, Ma’am? Can we double-check it?” I almost sounded like I was begging. I had a feeling that my dream was being taken away from me.

This can’t be happening! How can I tell my sister now that I will no longer get a full scholarship grant in college?