Chapter 11

Third person Narrative

Blake was at his house well more like mansion chilling with his gang members, he has a cigar in between his lips while holding a beer in his right arm, he was in the far corner taking the scenery before him, while some of his members where playing pool other's where doing drugs, how pathetic he thought with a scoffed when suddenly killian walked into the room with a red head latched to his arm.

"You won't believe who I just got off the phone with" killian said while searching through the igloo for what I presume to be a coke.

"Who?" blake asked still taking in the scene before him not even sparing a glance at killian. "It's was Marteeno, a newbie who just join the gang".

"Okay so how is that important?" blake asked staring ahead with a confused expression on his face.

"He was telling me that some blondie over thrown Trent, he's no longer the leader for the den", "Okay so some girl beat Trent ass what the fuck does that have to do with me?" blake mumbled while taking a draw from his cigar.

"It have everything thing to do with you" killian said with a smirk plastered on his lips and a hint of mischief looked in his eye's.

"And how is that?" blake asked with his eye's close feeling a little irritated.

"The blondie just happened to be Katrina, who you happened to call Israel" Killian said in dramatic voice.

"What!!!!!" Blake yelled gaining all the attention from the guy's, "carry on with watever the fuck you were doing!" Blake said to his members in his boss voice, as all the members started to get back to their activities blake turned his attention to killian.

"You heard me the little vixen of yours took Trent down and claimed the den, I even heard that she's starting her own gang" killian said in between taking sip from his coke.

"What the fuck was she thinking?" blake muttered to himself underneath his breath.

"She's trying to get herself kill, so if I were you I would suprised her with an unexpected visit" killian mumbled.

"Yeah I think I should" blake mumbled while putting out his cigar.

"Blake? Boss won't like this" Killian muttered in his serious voice.

"Like I give a damn" blake retorted and walked out with one thing on his mind 'what the hell has you gotten yourself into Israel'.


Woking up has never felt this good, I reached over on my bed for my phone and unlocked the screen then I proceed to my play music app, after touching on the icon I watched as all my song begun to pop up in my music library, scrolling through the list I stopped on 'Kat Cunning- king of shadow' after the music started blaring I walked seductively over to the bathroom, taking a hold of my toothbrush I started to brush my teeth while moving my hips to the music that was blaring from my phone.

Entering back into the room I removed my hair from it's previous ponytail and flip my hair back and fourth in a sexy manner while I rubbed my hand down my body, soon after the song was finished there was a bang coming from my front door.

Who the hell could that be? Walking over to the door and unlocked it blake stood there in white joggers and gray muscle shirt, with his hands in his pocket while he wore a scowl on his face. Blake? What a suprised, but he just pushed right pass me without even so much as a 'hello', sure come right in I muttered sarcastically when I turned to face him.

"I'm not in the mood for you mockery!" Calm down blakey boy what crawled up your ass and died.

"Is it true? Did you challenge Trent to a match?" So that was Mr. Hunk name? Trent it sound good rolling off my tongue yeah?

"For once can you just answer my god damn question!" Jeez man, calm down I was just messing with ya, and for your question yeah I beat his ass fair and square.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Your suppose to be laying low!" He said in a frustrated manner.

First of all let me make something clear for you, Nothing is wrong with me, and who said anything about laying low? I came here to seek revenge on the snake gang, and that's exactly what I'm going to do so don't come up in here saying otherwise.

"You don't understand Israel! By taking over the den your alerting gang members" he said pacing my living room.

Let them! I roared I'll be ready, let word spread about the female vixen because I'm not backing down, I'm here for good ready to claim what is rightfully mine, so let them know because I'm here to cause havoc! I finished with a smirk plastered on my lips while blake was looking at me in horror..

Leaving his standing there deep in thoughts I supoose I make my way to the bedroom, flopping down on the bed with a thud while I close my eye's, could he be right some how? I'm I rushing this? Of course not this was what I came here to do.... feeling irritated with myself I shake all the negatives thoughts away.

Entering the bathroom room I took a deep breath and stared at my reflection In the mirror, now it's not the time for second thoughts you can do this, you've been trained all your life for this.... After my pep talk I stripped out of my clothes and headed for the shower.

Soon after my shower I entered back into my room and there blake was sitting on my bed staring at wall, tightening the hold on my towel I walked over the closet in search of an outfit for the day.

"The den isn't just an ordinary place where you'll find low life hanging out" blake stated to say but I remained silent still rampaging for something to wear when he started talking "the den is where dealer's deal, it's where supplies of drugs are stocked, listen to me Israel if a shipment happened to go missing or someone haven't received there package after payments are made they will come for you Israel".

I can take care of myself thanks for the concern but it's not needed, ohhh lucky me I've find the right outfit, after taking them back to the bathroom I begun to get dressed, I was dressed in purple lace panties with matching bra, white crop top with the word 'DOPE' written in bold black letter, blue skinny ripped jeans that hugged my body like a second skin.

After inspecting myself in the mirror I catch my hair in a messy bun and entered my room,after picking up my white sneakers I hurriedly put them on, after giving myself a one over I picked my keys and my phone when suddenly it chimed indicating a message, after checking the message I hurriedly make my way to front door with blake trailing behind me.

"What was that about?" He asked referring to the message that I've received couple seconds ago.

Some mafia guy showed up at the den demanding to have a little chat with the leader, I said while locking the door. "I told you it was dangerous but you just wouldn't listen".

Look I got this okay so stop making a big deal out of nothing, now I'm going to see what's the problem, after I have gotten into the driver seat ready to bring the engine to life the passenger door opened and blake flopped down on the seat.

"You think I'd let you deal with this on your alone". Smiling at his word's I speed of down the street with one thought on my mind 'who the hell could it be'.