Chapter 25

What! But I only have like 29 minutes to get ready! Do I have even have to attend this dinner of his?

"Unfortunately yes, you will be meeting the councilors of the king court, so it's only right for the true air of the throne to be a presence," Zander said pacing the room, running his hand over his face in a dramatic way.

Ugh! Great just great. Now how I'm I supposed to find a dress in time?

"I thought you will be asking that question so I already called claire over to bring you some dresses, she'll be here..."

Ding dang. The doorbell chimed throughout the house drowning the rest of zander's rambling out.

"At your service your highness." Claire popped her head inside the room with a toothy grin plastered on her face.

Hey. I greeted, while zander and the doctor nodded at her in acknowledgment.

"So I didn't know what's your kind of dress so I bought a few," Claire said while laying four racks of dresses on the bed beside me alongside a bag with undergarments, accessories, and toiletries.

Removing the towel from my damped hair I began going through the racks of dresses, The first one was beautiful, it was an off-shoulder burgundy evening dress.

The second one was a black spaghetti strap dress, flowing down in a mermaid style. The third one was a red silk spaghetti strap skin-tight dress with an open back, it reached my ankle.

The fourth one was breathtaking it was a lilac satin one strap dress, embedded with diamonds at the side where the strap was located stopping at my hips, at the top, it was embedded in diamonds and ran in a slant pattern, it revealed all my curves and hips, it flowed down in a mermaid style.

This one, I said pointing at the last dress.

"I knew you would like it, now go freshen up and let's get started on that beauty of yours," Claire said while handing me the bag with the toiletries and my undergarments.

Walking over to the bathroom which was attached to the infirmary I stripped out of my wet clothes and entered the shower, after washing and rinsing my hair I begin showering.

Wrapping a towel around my body I entered back into the room where I only saw Claire, where are the others?

"Lord zander took off the moment you entered into the bathroom and the doctor went somewhere, now come over here enough with the questions let's get you ready seeing that you're late."

It took about five minutes to get my hair styled and makeup is done, my midnight black hair which turned to white is now in a high ponytail with layers going down my face, and if you're wondering if I dyed my hair white the answer is no I woke up one morning and my hair was white as snow.

I rocked a smokey eye looked with face power and light blush on my high cheekbones, Changing into my dress and silver high heeled shoes, I was looking like a model on the red carpet.

"Wow! You looked beautiful Izzy." Claire praised.

Thank you, but it's all thanks to you. I praised in a cheery voice.

"I doubt that." She mumbled but her cheek said otherwise they were red as a tomato.

Haha! You say that now but your cheeks are saying something else, I chuckled. As she was about to reply zander entered the room.

"Good your ready."

As you can see, all thanks to claire.

"Okay let's go the car is ready and waiting for you."

Nodding at him I hugged claire which caught her off guard, laughing at her expression I make my way downstairs to the front door where zander was standing checking his wristwatch, walking outside I saw a black SUV with the passenger side of the door opened.

Climbing Into the passenger seat zander close the door for me then make his way to the driver's side; "So what happened back there?" Zander questioned soon we left his mansion.

If you referring to "me laying unconscious when suddenly I was all soaked scenario" well I created a thunderstorm.

"Ohh, so how is your training coming along?"

And that's how we spend the rest of our car ride talking about my power's, Pulling up at the palace it was quarter to eight I'm so dead I muttered when zander unlocked my side of the door, climbing out of the vehicle I was surprised to see many vehicles.

Walking inside with zander by my side I spotted a servant; hello there? I called out to her.

"Your highness, sir." She said bowing.

Hi, can you please point me in the direction of the dinner?

"Yes your highness, the king's been asking for you."

"Dinner is right behind this door, your highness." The servant once again bows and turned away.

Taking a deep breath I pushed the door opened and all eye's landed on me, clearing my throat I entered with my head held high, sorry I'm late I stared at everyone showing I'm not intimidated by their stares, taking my rightful seat beside the king he cleared his throat.

"Can I have all your attention?" The king stood and spoke.

As all eyes turned to him he began speaking.

"I would like you all to properly meet my daughter, your princess soon to be your queen and leader." He said raising his champagne glass in my direction.

All the councilors raise their glasses in my direction and give me a slight nod even Bella even though there was a looked on her face which I couldn't decipher.

After the king took his seat we began to continue eating our meal and exchanged greetings, when suddenly one of the councilors asked me about my power's which get all eyes to settle on me.

Taking a sip from my water I gently placed it down on the table then proceed to answer his question, So you asked about what power's I possessed? For starters, I can control the weather but that's just that for now, I'm still adjusting.

"Okay so when do you plan to unite the kingdom?" one of the female councilors fired at me.

"I haven't discussed the matter with her." The king interjected.

"So when will you tell her about her marriage?" The same female who's name is Paige asked.

"Soon." Was all the king said?

What marriage? I asked having enough of this.

"Darling, you meant to marry the elf prince." The king said staring me straight in the eyes.

What?! I choked on my glass of water.