Chapter 23

Third Person Narrative

"Lord Zander! Lord Zander!" The doctor called as she ran out of the infirmary room to summoned the lord.

"My lord!" She called out of breath as she stood before him on the corridor.

"What is it?" zander asked the doctor who was panting like she's been chased by a ghost.

"She's unconscious, we were talking then suddenly she was lying unconscious, and she hasn't been responding to any of my methods I've tried." The good doctor explained.

"Is she breathing?" Zander asked while he makes his way to the room.

"Yes my lord, she's just fallen into a deep sleep." The doctor reassured him while they entered the room together.

"She'll be okay," Zander said while staring at the sleeping beauty before his eyes.

"So about her pregnancy?" He later added.

"My Lord this child is extraordinary, the blocking my power's something that has never happened before. Sir if news gets out about the prophetess bearing a child people from far and near will rip this kingdom apart for the child." The doctor said in astonishment.

"I see," Zander said deep in thoughts.


Bella stormed into the maid quarters furiously; "Your majesty." All of the maids greeted in unison but she just ignored them with her nose in the air showing a looked of disgust.

"Where is Claire?" She asked in a harsh yet hard tone.

"She not here." One of the maids whispered timidly.

"Come forth!" Bella demanded the maid.

As the crowd parted way for her, there stood a young girl with blonde hair that almost looked white with a petite frame.

"What is your name?" Bella asked with a raised eyebrow, which intimidated the young girl before her.

"Sapharrie." The girl answered staring at the ground while she fiddled with her fingers.

"Where is Claire?"

"She's at princess Israel chambers, malady."

And with that said she stormed out with determination to find Clair. As she attempted to climb the stairs she spotted some maids and servants existing in the kitchen with food trays. And to her luck claire was amongst them.

"Claire!!" She angrily approached her, "I said Claire you others can carry on with your tasks".

"Yes, malady?" Claire asked a little irritated.

"Your Israel personal maid, right?"

"Yes, malady."

"Then why are you here? And not with her?" Bella asked suspiciously.

"Zander requested to take charge today." She reasoned.

"Why? I thought she was requested by the king?"

"She was malady."

"Hmm. So has she already seen the king?"

"I don't believe so malady."

"Strange. Tell me claire is there anything weird about Israel?"

"No malady."

"Hmm. I don't believe you."

"It's the truth, now if you'll excuse my malady."

With an angry expression, she stormed to her chambers but vowed to get close to Israel to learn all her secrets. Closing the door behind her she summoned her wizard! By calling his name.

"Yes, malady." The wizard appeared in front of her while giving a bow.

"I demanded you show me Israel through your crystal ball!"

"The lost princess?" He asked surprised by her demand.

"Yes the princess," Bella replied while pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"But she's the princess, I don't know if I can malady." The wizard tries to reason with her.

"Who did you pledge your loyalty to the wizard?"

"Yes, malady." The wizard said in a defeated tone.

"Good now the crystal ball."

As the wizard revealed his shinny crystal ball from his cloak, he began muttering some words in ancient languages then suddenly there Israel was lying unconscious on the bed.

"What on earth is she doing?" Bella questioned.

"It looked to be like she's asleep." The wizard answered staring at the girl's sleeping form.


You know you can always give me a warning before you knocked me unconscious right? I asked while bushing off dust off my jeans from waking up in a garden bed.

"Sorry about that dearie." Sabine chuckled a little.

Yeah, Yeah, so where are we?

"We're in the mountains, it's one of me a favorite place where I began one with nature."

Okay, so this is where our training will be held?

"Yes unless there's a problem?"

No, Not at all.

"Great so shall we begin?"

Yes, but how are you going to train me when I can't see you?

"Patience dear child, now for lesson #1, I need you to make thunder and lightning clouds appeared inside of that bottle over there."

Did you get to be kidding me? I asked picking up the bottle.

"I'm afraid I'm not."

Well, how can I possibly make thunder and lightning clouds form inside this bottle?

"Concentrate on your power's, controlling the weather is an outermost powerful thing one can do, hard but powerful."

After the sixth try, I gave in a small cloud-only appearance once and disappeared. Throwing my hands up in the air with an exhausted sigh I told Sabine I can't do it.

"You can just concentrate."

Sabine, I can't!

"Yes, you can! Believe in yourself."

I can't! I unintentionally yelled throwing the bottle when a big thunderstorm appeared which have the sky roaring in anger which shook the mountain, lightning sending from all directions striking the trees and plants.

It even struck the bottle I was holding earlier, the storm wind from the angry thunderstorm have the tree swaying from side to side almost as if it was a small brunch.

"Stopped the storm or it will destroy the mountain!" Sabine yelled.

I can't! I don't know-how! Why don't you stopped it? I shouted loud enough so she could hear over the heavy raindrops.

"I can't, your powers are superior to mine, look Israel you can do this, I know you can."

Stopped. I chanted over and over but it just wasn't listening with every try it just roared even louder in anger.

STOPPED! I roared and the thunderstorm just disappeared leaving mass destruction behind. As I scanned the area it was like something you would see in battle the trees were burned to ash, animals were sprawled out laying dead, the once beautiful flowers now lay flat, broken branches were everywhere.

Did I just do that? I whispered to myself while standing there the only one who survived this mass destruction.

"Yes, you did," Sabine said in sadness.