Chapter 29

After Blake's and conversation which ended pretty badly, we parted ways, now here I am back in the faerie world wandering the streets, hoping to forget all about the incident which occurred earlier.

Lost in thoughts I didn't even saw Bella approaching me until she tapped me on my left arm; Bella hi? I greeted but it came out more like a question.

"What are you doing in town wandering around this time of the night?" She asked scanning the crowd like she was waiting for someone or looking for someone. nu

"I have a lot on my mind and walking around seems like a great way to gathered my thoughts." I smiled but I doubt it even reached my lips.

"Fastest way to do so is visiting a bar, drink your stress away ahh I can take you to a bar not very far from here, where I go whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed." She offered while checking the time on her phone.