Mona yawned and stretched as she woke up for the second time that day. Now that, was the best sleep she ever had in her life. The bed was a total luxury it felt as if she was lying on a cloud. It's the best bed she has ever slept in just like the couch was the best one she had ever sat or slept in.
She was comfortable, well fucked, and truly satisfied. she wiggled delightedly under the covers, this is easily the best day of my life She thought. Not to mention that she was able to sleep twice today! If she kept this up she would become positively lazy.
At home, she would just be coming in off the field now. Her mother would tell her she smelled shove a plate or bowl of something leftover and run her out the kitchen to her room around the back of their cottage.
To say her parents were disappointed in her was an understatement. Mona was the seventh of their eleven girl children (they kept trying for a boy that never came). Which meant Mona being latent with no abilities, no magic, no powers to speak of was a huge stain on the family name. First, she wasn't a boy second she couldn't even use manna.
Despite the fact that Mona had nothing to do with her conception or genetics her parents never forgive her for her lack. They would punish her harshly for any perceived slips. They would work her as a servant. As the years went by it became apparent that no one wanted a latent as part of their family fearing the genes would spread. Her mother and father became cold and distant they would never receive a dowry for her.
They would never increase their status with a good marriage from her to them Mona was essentially useless. She was truly trash. A latent was not good for their retirement plans. To them, Mona was like a person with a disability that they would have to take care of their whole life. And so Mona grow wild if she was not needed at home she escaped to the wilderness near her family home.
Those were her fondest memories as a child before she was put to work on the farm from sunrise to sunset. She would climb trees pick flowers to play with the animals and woodland creatures eventually they became her family too. She missed them dearly but she wouldn't go back. Wherever this path lead, she would accept her faith.
She believed it to be faith, destiny. She had never had a vision never know that she could. Her parents had brought her to a Seeker when she hit puberty and was still latent. The woman had looked into her soul and ripped hope from her when she said that Mona would always be latent. But when her frustrated parents had left the room the Seeker spoke to Mona and told her
"Beware of the rose in the sun in its embrace you will experience a change unlike which you have never known"
Those ominous words had sent chills down her spine and she had not thought of the memory since. That is until the day she got her 3 seconds vision and then she had known for sure that the change the Seer spoke of has something to do with her mate.
So she headed off on a journey for the chance to find a mate that would love her and accept her just the way she is latent and all.
But then if her mate was in the capital why was Mona so drawn to Chocolate she has never felt that way about anyone. She was unbelievably drawn to him, ever since she saw him this morning. She was unable to resist touching him wanting to be near him, talk to him.
Mona had never felt this free with any human always aware of her lack and how people reacted most times harshly to the fact. But with Chocolate, she felt instantly comfortable and free with him maybe it was because he was a shifter. She has always had an affinity for animals and creatures.
She frowned but being with him isn't that cheating on her mate? On some level, she know that she should be careful after all Chocolate was a stranger. logically she knew that but he felt so familiar to her. She had a soul-deep awareness that he would never hurt her.
Troubled she rose from the bed and saw that Chocolate had left clothes on the ottoman at the foot of the bed.
"Awww Chocolate" tears sprang to her eyes no one has ever been so considerate of her before. And she realized something else about her body it was clean and smelled slightly of soap, even the sheets smelled fresh with no sign of her claimed virginity.
She made up her mind then and there whatever happened she would keep her Chocolate bar.
The decision made her troubled mind finally acknowledged the aches and pain in her body, especially between her legs. She blushed at the thought of the reason for it. Her body seemed to vibrate and her skin almost glowed. Well if this was what sex did to one's self, this one will be having plenty of it.
Mona chuckled at her thoughts She got up to get dressed she needed to head downstairs to soothe the
hunger pains that were intensifying by the seconds.
Mona felt like she could eat a horse. Her hunger pains had gotten worse which may explain why her sense of smell was able to lead her straight to the kitchen.
She skipped down the carpeted steps and when she entered the kitchen she was so shocked she shouted
"Wow, chocolate you look divine!" Mona exclaimed she didn't pulse at the kitchen entrance but went right up to him and hugged him from behind
"You should always stay like this"
"you really do like me shirtless in an apron?"
"Of course but more importantly you're shirtless in an apron in the kitchen cooking something for me"
"How do you know it's for you?"
"Well chocolate my summation from watching you most of the morning, having incredible sex with you, and waking up in your bed clean is that you are a kind dragon shifter and very thoughtful. I believe you would want to feed me because you thought I may be hungry"
A big belly laugh was his reaction as Chocolate placed a plate with a hamburger and a side of fries in front of her.
"Thank you chocolate!" Mona said with a big smile
"Why do you call me that?
"What my Blonde Chocolate God/Bar?"
He chuckled "Yes that" he leaned forward on the counter ( it was now fixed) watching her eat. "You haven't asked for my name and you haven't called me anything else"
"When I first saw you coming out of the barn, that is what you reminded me of a Chocolate bar with cream on top. You have dark brown skin and blonde hair. You reminded me of the God of the Sun. I even thought because I couldn't have you just like I can't have an actual Chocolate bar"
"Why can't you have Chocolate," Aden asked curiously
Mona shrugged "I can't afford it"
"Really I can get Chocolate for you if you want," Aden told her
Mona looked up from her food excitedly "really?"
"Of course -"
"Ohhh Mona moaned just the thought! It's almost enticing as you with your shirt off all sweaty like you were today..." Mona became lost in her reminiscing "Then I wanted to dry the sweat from your body with my tongue.
"You know" Aden cleared his throat, his eyes ablaze with lust "I'm plenty sweaty from making these burgers you can dry me now"
"Oh, I think I will," Mona said seductively "as soon as I finish this" she held up the last of her burger. But even as she tossed the last fry in her mouth she realized she was still hungry as if she never ate anything.
"Chocolate how many of these did you make?"
"Just two why?"
"I want more, I'm still hungry" She frowned "starved in fact"
Mona didn't think she ever felt so hungry in her life her insides felt concave and it literally hurt to breathe "Do you have anything to eat in your cooler?"
"Yes I do but Mona you don't look so good" He reached across the counter to check her forehead "you are burning up Mona"
"You think," Mona said irritated by his lack of movement towards the cooler "Chocolate I swear if you don't feed me now I will eat your face from your body and not in a sexy way."
"Okay sweetheart" He walked to the cooler "maybe I should go get the medical scanner" He suggested Mona thought that was a good idea but her hunger made her unable to think beyond eating "Just feed me for now Chocolate, please"
A bowl of Chili, a plate of baked chicken, three more burgers plus some munching on fruits vegetables, and snacks later Mona was released from her hunger pains.
But then she became thirsty and drank ten full glasses of water.
"I'll go get my medical scanner and comm a healer Mona" Chocolate said she was nestled in his arms now.
"Oh Chocolate I think I'm alright now" She smiled weakly up at him "I just need to rest now, I like being in your arms their so big and warm and comfortable and -
Mona drifted off rambling all the way.