This Story Is One I Want To Share With You

The family ate and conversed well into the late evening, Mona basked in their love and acceptance. She knew she was lucky to receive such kind faces from Aden's family. Over the past few weeks she had experienced many different faces from aristocrats who looked down on her and mocked her new status as a commoner turned royal. To make things worse she is a commoner turned royal who will one day rule an entire civilization of people.

To these entitled people Mona was an unacceptable anomaly. At social gatherings she attended, they would scorn her outright and refused to talk to her or laugh at her behind their hands. She was invited to tea parties where the fancily dressed ladies would try to pick her apart, losing no chance to mention where she was born and to whom she was born. One powdered faced lady with more wrinkles than skin cried literal tears because Mona's rough work hardened hands scratched her delicate skin.