Standing In The Night Sky

Oh, sister-in-law, there is more! Cirious said clapping his hands excitedly.

Mona laughed she gestured to the space and said This is not what I wanted to show you

She looked around in amazement This is actually new to me too,

A group of big glowing butterfly flu passes them carrying the scent of rose with them. It was like virtual reality but it seemed so real even the breeze that gently caressed her face. The space was infinitely peaceful, she took a deep breath.

The space is marvelous sweetness Aden held her close and kissed her forehead.

An idea occurred to Mona she looked up at her mate Want to show me your space?

Aden seem to be startled by the idea, he frowned I've never thought that my dragon has a space like this

Oh Mona frowned too, she included everyone in the conversation when she added All of you do, I think