The Gates of Hell

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I woke up to my alarm screaming at me in the morning. I was not planning on waking up any time soon but I have to. The Devil wants me to meet him at the park at 8:00am for some reason. He probably wants to punish me more by making me wake up this early. It was currently 7:00am meaning that I slept for 5 hours. Today is going to be a long day which I don’t have much energy for.

I lazily stood up from my bed trying my best to sit up straight. My back was trying to guide me to bed again but I knew I couldn’t. Every part of my body was weak and it was difficult to stand up. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and sleep for 3 more hours. I couldn’t just do that though. Knowing that my parents lives are on the line and The Devil was going to torture me was enough for me to not take that risk. Not on my parents dead body.

After 10 minutes I finally had the courage to get up. I slowly walked to my kitchen and headed straight to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed a couple of energy energy drinks. Drinking too much energy drinks can kill me but I will make sure I won’t. I really need energy drinks at this moment. I started drinking an energy drink like it was the first time drinking something in years. The soft fizz running down my dry throat makes me want more. This is the first but not last energy drink of the day.

I finished the drink and headed upstairs to take a nice cold shower to wake up. It was 7:21am which gave me 39 minutes to get ready. I’m currently in my bathroom taking off my clothes getting ready to go take a shower. After I was done taking off my clothes I hopped in the shower turning on the cold water. When the cold water hit my skin I shivered in relief. The water felt good hitting my skin. I haven’t had any good showers like this in a long time.

I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. There was a mirror in front of me and I examined my face carefully. The big cut “The Devil” gave me was still there. It was red and it probably needs some stitches. I need to get that checked out. I somehow have to convince the doctor that I face planted on a sharp object because I’m going to seem like a crazy person saying that The Devil stabbed me with his long black nails.

I got a brush and started brushing my hair. After I was done with that I started brushing my teeth and did my normal morning routine which only took about 5 minutes. I got out of my bathroom and started heading to my closet. I put my underwear and bra on and soon after I only put jeans and a shirt on. I looked at the time saying that it was 7:40am which meant that I have to meet with The Devil in 20 minutes.

I grabbed my bag making sure I put energy drinks and my phone. I also grabbed my keys and started heading to my car. Yes I have a license at the age of 16. After 5 minutes I arrived at the park where I’m supposed to meet with The Devil. I’m scared of what he is going to do to me. I really don’t want to get out of my car but I don’t want to face the consequences. I slowly got out of my car to go meet with The Devil until I got called by someone behind me.

“Lexi,” a familiar voice said behind me. I turned around revealing my best friend Elijah. He has a diamond shaped face. His hazel eyes match perfectly with the almond eyes he has. Some people say that he is attractive because of those two features. Other people say he is attractive because of his hair and teeth which I agree. He has glowing straight teeth and long hair with textured waves like Harry Styles back in November 2015.

“Oh hi Elijah,” I said. Today he had his hair in a man bun instead of having his hair loose like all the time. It made his facial features stand out. “Are you going to school because it is that way,” he said pointing towards the direction of the school which was opposite of the direction I was going to.

“No I have a doctor’s appointment today,” I told him. I hated lying to people, especially him. He is my best friend and we tell each other everything. I checked the time and it showed that it was 7:54 am. I only had 6 minutes to go there. Luckily I was at the park and the designated place is only 1 minute away.

“When are you coming back from the appointment,” he said. I honestly don’t know how to answer that question. It depends if the devil doesn’t kill me or not. “I don’t know,” was all I managed to say. It could take hours or days or even weeks.

Elijah looked down at his watch in his wrist and looked back at me. “Well it’s currently 7:56 and school starts in 4 minutes,” he said. I rather go to school than go meet up with The Devil. He might cut me up and eat my organs or worse. “Well, good luck at school,” I said, giving him a smile while hiding the fact that I might face my own death in four minutes.

“Thanks,” he said with a small chuckle. He turned around and started heading to school. I did the same thing but instead of going to school I headed towards the direction the devil wants me to go. I started feeling nervous as I started walking.

After 1 minute I finally arrived at the destination. I was already terrified even though The Devil is not here yet. I grabbed my bag and took an energy drink out. I popped it open and right when I was about to open it I heard a car pull out right beside me. I looked to see who it was, but I couldn’t see due to the tinted windows in the car.

Although it wasn’t dark I still couldn’t see who was inside the car. It was a simple black van in the driveway. Even though I didn’t know who it was, my gut is telling me it’s probably The Devil. The door opened slowly revealing a tall man in a suit. The mysterious man closed the door behind him and started heading towards my direction until we were face to face. The guy looked like an agent that is in the movies.

“Get in the car,” he said in the same voice The Devil has. I froze in place. It can’t be him, he looks different since the last time I saw him. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET IN THE CAR,” he said in a much worse tone. I slowly got in the car not wanting him to get mad than he already is.

After I was done getting in the car he got in too. He started the car and was driving to an unfamiliar road. The drive was 1 hour long which seemed like days since the car was all quiet and I had nothing to do. It all changed when The Devil spoke up.

“I’m sorry,” The Devil said. I was surprised at what he said. Why would he even be sorry for. Doesn’t he do this for fun? “Huh,” was all I managed to say. If he really is sorry I can lower his guard and then gain his trust. I can convince him to let my parents free and let me go. The only thing I need to know is how I lower it down.

“They are making me do this,” he said, immediately giving chills down my spine. “Who is they,” I asked, wondering what he was talking about. He stayed silent not saying a single word. Silence was filling the car once again until he stopped the car. “We are here,” is all he said.

I looked outside the window and saw an abandoned cemetery. The Devil got out of the car and I followed him right after. We started walking into the cemetery. It was a ten minute walk and the good thing is that the energy drinks helped me through. We stopped at a gravestone that had big cracks and at the middle of the gravestone it was labeled “The Gates of Hell”

The Devil grabbed a little glass container that had a glowing liquid that was the color of gold. He opened it and dropped a droplet of the liquid gold in a crack and then closed the container. The gravestone magically opened revealing an entrance. He then threw the glass container in the glass like it was nothing.

I looked at the entranced and it was all pitch black with glowing gold liquid like The Devil had just now. There was also a stairway going down. It was probably miles down into the underground. Who knows what was over there but I could probably be overreacting. I turned around to face The Devil until he kicked me in and everything went pitch black.

I couldn’t feel anything.