Not Alone

“Wake up human being,” a voice said in the distance. I ignored it thinking it was all a dream. That all this was in my mind. The truth is I want to convince myself this isn’t real. All this was my fault for committing whatever those sins are. What I heard from my parents about those sins is that they're horrible, and people get punished for it badly.

“Alright Lexi, wake up I know you heard me,” the voice said again. I suddenly felt a horrifying pain on my back which shot me awake. I looked up seeing that it was him again. He had a large and sharp metal whip with spikes on it. Blood was dripping from the spikes onto the floor.

I then looked at my back seeing a long line of blood. There were deep circles due to the spikes hitting me. Blood was slowly covering my back. I then turned around and saw him with yellow glowing eyes. He lifted his hand hovering it over my back. All of a sudden the bleeding stopped.

“Stay here,” he said, proceeding to leave the room. I then just layed there silently. The excruciating pain on my back was getting worse. A stinging pain then started to appear on my back. It was too much pain, I can’t handle it. I was groaning in pain when I heard the door open.

It was him. He had a water bucket on his hand and alcohol. He also had bandages in his other hand. I was confused on why he is going to help me even though he did it. He set the stuff on the table and then scooted the table to the bed.

He looked at my back and lifted up my shirt revealing the big cut he made. He then grabbed the water bucket and dumped it all on my back. It was very cold but at least I didn’t have blood on my back anymore. He then grabbed the alcohol and then looked at me.

“This is going to hurt,” he said while removing the lid of. Without warning he dumped all the alcohol on my back giving me a horrifying pain. The alcohol was going in my cut making it burn. He then had glowing eyes again hovering his hand on my back like last time. I sighed in relief when he made the pain go away.

I looked at him and saw him grabbing the bandage. “What’s your name,” I asked since I don’t know how to call him. After finding out he is not “The Devil” I was wondering what to call him now. “Call me Caleb but don’t call me that when people are around,” he said while grabbing the bandages. He then threw them to me and said, “Put this on and meet me outside when you're done.

He then left the room leaving me alone. I then stood up from my bed and I surprisingly didn’t feel any pain. My back felt just fine unlike earlier. I took off my shirt and grabbed the bandage. I carefully wrapped it around where the cut was. I couldn’t see what I was doing because I don’t have a mirror but I think it looks great.

After I was done I went outside to meet with Caleb. He was waiting outside with his body resting on a wall. He then looked at me and motioned me to go with him. I went with him and we started walking through this long hallway that had nothing but doors on the sides.

Judging by how many doors they are I’m probably not the only one going through this. Me and Caleb were silently walking until he spoke up. “Normally people will take a shower in the morning but you're not,” he said. “Why not,” I asked. I kind of stink and I need one. “People like me will reward their person by giving them bonuses like that but since you didn’t wake up when I told you to your not,” he said. That is just no fair

“When will I get one,” I asked. “If you wake up when I tell you,” he said. I’m not exactly a morning person but I guess I have to do that. Risking not having a shower and getting hit again is not worth staying asleep. We then proceeded to walk into this big room with kids around my age.

“Alright go over there and get something to eat,” he said. I then walked to where they were giving out food. They handed me a plate and I went to a table that nobody was in since I don’t really know anybody. There were about 100 people in the cafeteria and more people started to arrive.

I looked at my plate and there was just cereal and milk which I’m not complaining since I love cereal. The cafeteria started filling up slowly. Everybody seemed to get along with each other. Way too quick. They have probably been in here for more than one day.

I was eating my food in peace when I saw 6 people sit with me. There were 5 girls and 1 boy. “Hey, are you new here,” one of the girls asked. “Yes,” I said to the girl. “Oh well welcome to hell,” another girl said. Wow so I am in hell.

Right when I was about to ask them what their names were I heard a lady talk on a microphone. Hi boys and girls, as much of you know my name is Anna Rose Miller. Some of you guys may be in your 2nd or 4th sin or whatever number you are. There are more people joining on as you can see by the size of the cafeteria. I am very disappointed by how many people there are. If you're new here welcome to your worst nightmare. You have to complete certain obstacles to finish each sin. Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth. After you're done with that you have to go back in time to undo your sins. If you fail you will be killed. In 5 mins you guys will go back to your room. Good luck and try not to die.

People started getting up from their chairs and I did also. I was about to throw my trash when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned around and saw that it was one of the girls who sat with me. “Hi my name is Alijah and we didn’t get to introduce ourselves,” she said. She then started pointing at people and said, “that’s Amy, Arlette, Alijah, Keon, Mia, and Gissell.

“Oh ok,” I said and we started heading to the trash can to throw our stuff. “If you need anything I’m here to help,” she said and then left. I started heading to the room I was in before. When I entered it was different from last time. The room has way more stuff than it had last time.

There was a bookshelf with only one book in it. The table was still the same but it had a little booklet this time. I smiled when I finally saw that there was a shower.

I headed towards the table and grabbed the booklet. There was a map in the cover of the page that was labeled with what the rooms are. There is only a library, cafeteria, dorms, a time travel machine room and other things. What caught my attention is the room that was labeled terminate room.

The lady in the cafeteria was saying that if you don’t complete a task you will be killed. They probably kill people in that room. What horrified me was the thought that the types of torture devices they use. What if they put a person in a cage with rats chewing their skin off or worse.

I then turned the page and saw a schedule on it.

You must be on time to do this stuff.

7:00-8:00 - Breakfast

8:00-9:30 - Free time

9:30-3:00 - designated task

3:00-4:00 - Lunch

4:00-10:00 - Free time

10:00-12:00- Stay in dorms

12:00-7:00 - Sleep

If you fail to follow this schedule you will be punished. If you fail more than 10 times to follow the schedule you will die.

Apparently I have one hour so I took a quick shower. It only took about 30 minutes to shower. When I got out there was a drawer full of clothes. I only grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater. I noticed that there was a clock on the wall of the room which was only 8:49am.

I grabbed the booklet and saw the next page after the schedule. My name was on the top of the page and it only showed room numbers I had to go to. There were 6 different types of rooms. The room I had to go to was 103 which was the pride room.

I just have to wait 40 more minutes to see what's inside.