The Tunnels

Viaan liked to not sleep much because his nightmares weren't much different than his daily life. He pushed himself into work and saving his remaining family so he wouldn't think about his mother and father. The loss of his father had a deep impact on him than anyone realized. Viaan had been boisterous, and a prankster but all of that stopped after he lost his father. Viaan retreated into himself and had limited contact with anyone else. He rarely ventured outside the palace and stopped making friends. His family had changed too. His mother looked eager to the kingdom and Vivaan locked himself in his duties. Ahana tried to keep them together and she had succeeded in that. Viaan remembered how much he slept then. He tried to shut his brain off then and he did the same now. Not sleeping, but that was also taking its toll on him.

Viaan was afraid that he would fall asleep when he confronted the enemy. Or he would be slow due to his addled brain and he would make stupid decisions endangering everyone else. He decided to try to rest. There was no use reminiscing the past and thinking.

The morning still found him weary and confused about his reality. In his dream world, he saw his mother and father with him, and then he saw them dying again. It was horrible seeing them leave him again, again and again. Dreams were the manifestation of his feelings and wishes and he was still stuck in his childhood.

No matter how much he washed his face, his eyes remained tired. He didn't want his friends to worry more than they already did. He knew they were already working on their task for the day so he rushes toward the barn. He saw the household was working so hard that it felt like something big was already happening. He couldn't afford to get cold feet then. So Viaan ignored the bustling servants and continued to his destination.

They were all poring over the maps of the palace. And all the trade routes in and out of Mihira. He has given them every piece of information he knew and then they started planning.

Nairiti was first to notice him.

"You can eat those fruits over there. Rudra brought them for us." She pointed over a corner where there were bananas and apples. He picked up two apples and went back to listen to their conversation.

"You think you can block all these ways? We have only thirty people helping us. How can we post them on each path?" Nairiti asked in a low voice.

"We have to find a way to do this, so no one can escape." Vidyut fired back at her.

Viaan nibbled on the apple and then moved forward.

"There's a crossroad for every way out. We can post one on each. And if they smell any problem, others can go assist the guard there."

"But won't they escape till the help arrives?" Vidyut asked him.

"Not necessarily, they have to walk some distance till they reach the outpost. Till then, the guards can arrive. It wouldn't take much time if they use underground tunnels." It was Rudra who replied.

"There are tunnels?"Nairiti asked in a slow manner.

"Yes, they aren't widely known but some of us use those."

"How do you know about them then Rudra?"

"I used to hide in there when I was bullied."

Viaan knew Nairiti and Vidyut knew of the tunnels but they wanted to know how Rudra knew about that. He had used one of those when he had escaped Mihira and also when he came back. They had intricate woven structures powered by light stones and were a well-guarded secret.

He wouldn't be surprised to know that only certain people could access it and that meant Rudra was special too and that's why he was in their mission. In a weird way, it made sense. Viaan knew that his appearance wouldn't make anyone question his identity. But Rudra knew and he had the innate quality of remembering things that anyone would forget.

He had never known anyone like that. He had to ask them about this.

"Rudra, what do you think about magic?"

All of them stopped and looked at his bizarre expression.

"No. Isn't that a story?"

"Yeah but I don't know much about it. So I thought you would know something. "

Rudra had complete honesty on his face when he said, "If I find anything I'll tell you."

That ruled out him using his magic but something still nagged at Viaan in the inside of his mind.

Who was Rudra actually? How did he become a servant?

It was late in the afternoon when they were finished planning. Rudra had already left. He couldn't be absent from his duties. So they were planning without him. It was Vidyut who actually told Viaan about his problem.

"Keeper of Tunnels!"

"What?" Viaan asked.

"Rudra, he is the keeper of tunnels. That's why he knows about them and he could tell you without any magical backlash. If you wouldn't already know about this, he couldn't have told you. I don't think he knows what he is."

"That makes sense actually. The magic has drawn him to you. That's why he figured you out. And it helped that he was actually smart." Nairiti replied.

"How can he become the keeper? Without him knowing?" Viaan asked them.

"The magic chose him. When he was young, it drew him towards the tunnels. He obviously kept it a secret. But he must have known that some people know about its location." Vidyut answered.

"And also he is responsible for its protection. The magic chooses its protector once the previous one is deemed unfit. Then it changes its location." Nairiti added.

"The tunnels have many hidden things than the land. They can totally collapse and destroy Mihira. That's why the magic is concentrated there. And they are the most important part of the magical system."

Viaan knew what it meant. The drawings of whatever he saw were in the tunnel. There was something that the enemy wanted which was underground. And Viaan had to find it before he did.