Preeti's point of view
"You wanted to know what is bothering me for past days." I asked him looking into his eyes.
He nodded his head slowly while looking into my eyes.
"..then tell me who is Anna Smith."
He looked shocked hearing her name from me. His grip on me loosened and he took a step back.
His body stiffened and hands turned into a tight fist.
"How do you know her?" He asked me in a cold voice.
"It doesn't matter how do in know her or how much i know. Only matters to me the truth from you." I said while taking a step from him.
I cupped his face with my both hands and make him lean to me.
"Please tell me what happened with you two years ago. Please share your pain with me. Let all your demon come out from you." I said in shaky voice while touching our foreheads.
Tears are escaping from my eyes continuously.
"Please..." i whispered under my breath.
He put his both hand on mine and remove them from his face.