Sammy started calling every day. She was worried that Katie was depressed. Who wouldn't be? She hadn't left her apartment since the first week of May and, she hardly spoke to anyone unless they showed up at her place or texted her first.

Katie was okay though. It was a lot like prison. Except no shackles, no white jumpsuits, and no drugged food. She could watch TV and surf the internet too. She still had that monitor on her leg and she had discovered a washer and dryer hookup in her kitchen. She stayed in her room the day it was delivered. Sammy was there to direct traffic for her. Once they were gone, she came back to her kitchen island with her laptop and continued to work.

"This isn't healthy, Katie." Garrett said when he and the others showed up for an intervention one Saturday evening. "You need to get out. Get some fresh air. Dad would hate knowing you were locked away like this."