Around eight o'clock Garrett, Emmy, and Chad came rushing into her apartment. All on their cellphones talking to different people as they paced her living room floor. She paused the movie she had been watching on Netflix and sat patiently waiting for them to tell her what was going on. When they finally stopped, Emmy spoke first.

"Three things...." She held up a finger as she paced. She was in full on District Attorney mode. "First... Hey sweetie, how was your day?"

She grinned. "Hey...um, it was fine. Nothing unusual."

"Okay great! Second, how did your houseguest do last night?" She asked referring to Gage.

"Oh he was fine after his food digested." She shrugged. "He camped out here and played video games until he passed out, I guess. He left around ten this morning."

"No issues from his cousin?" Chad's eyebrows went up in surprise.