They were able to get through the rest of the week without incident. Aiden was in and out checking on her and Gage. He had gone back to work that Friday and took a couple of weekend shifts to make up for some lost time. So far, Garrett and Emmy had managed to keep a lid on the bust of Meghan and Lonnie Fairlane but, that changed Sunday morning. The story broke over night. Meghan and Lonnie Fairlane's drug and human trafficking ring, Aiden's connection to them and his connection to Katie were all over every local news station in three counties as breaking news when they woke up that Morning. He and his brothers and cousins faces were splashed all over television. When they looked outside, the complex was swarmed with reporters being held off by the superintendent.

She stood watching from the curtain of her bedroom window. She had the news on in her room and could hear what the local news station was relaying.