There were applause all around as others were purchased and transactions were completed before 'merchandise' could be removed from the building.

The sheik, whose name she discovered was Rahim, and his guards led her to a black SUV but before she got in, the sheik placed a robe around her and spoke in Farsi, "One so pure of body and pure of heart should not be humiliated in this way."

She bowed her head in thanks, trying her best not to cry out as a tear slipped down her cheek. She was seated in back of the SUV next to her new master.

"Zurich Man said you are engaged." He spoke in English. "Is that so?"

"Y-yes. His name is Aiden Lawrence." She admitted, softly, tears burning as she realized she would never see Aiden or the boys again. She did not notice that her master had stiffened at Aiden's name.

"You love him?" He asked, emotionlessly.

"Very much." She admitted.

He nodded. "There have been no others besides him?"