"So, how did the ceremony go, Aryana joon?" Ifat questioned, as Katie peeled out of the parking lot and headed toward her little cottage a few miles away.

"Quite well. Gage was top of his class and gave a beautiful speech..." She sighed, and knew the older woman would know there was more.

"You followed them again, didn't you?" She chuckled.

"Yes and this time Collin and Ryan spotted me! What's worse is, Gage saw me out and about uncovered and stalked me himself. I knew someone was following me around. I just never suspected my own little brother!" She breathed out.

"I know why you don't want to reveal that you are alive to the people in Olivewood but, don't you feel like Aiden and his family deserve an explanation? I know you don't want to disrupt Aiden's marriage but, from what I am hearing, it is in trouble because he has had no closure with your death. His soul tells him that it's mate still lives on this plane. You must address him, Aryana."