Chapter 5: Burnt Bodies with No Clear Motive Part 6

“I can prove my innocence by showing my warning message.” He explained, “If I didn’t watch my video, then I don’t have a motive to kill Jambo, right?”

“That’s not true! You could have killed just for the sake of it!” Joseph screamed out, trying to throw away Urkstin’s plan.

“No offense, but Urkstin doesn't seem like the kinda person to be like that.” Poppy explained, “But why are you so anxious all of the sudden?”

“I…” Joseph had no response, so I responded for him.

“He’s worried because the suspicion falls on him now. Am I right?”

“...” Joseph didn’t reply, and simply slumped his head down towards the floor, letting out a sigh.

“Alright then, I’ll play my video so we can prove-” Urkstin was about to start up his video, before he was interrupted.

“You don’t have to. I don’t want to put you through the same pain as me.” It was Joseph, who had spoken calmly, defeated, knowing that he had lost.