Chapter 6: The Sleepless and The Broken Part 15

“Someone stole stuff from one of the bags!” He called out, grabbing my attention fully.

“Where?” I shot back, standing up with a coffee cup.

“In the one area where you guys found Akira and Liam!” He announced, heading out of the cafetera, “I’m getting everyone else to go there, I’m checking the cell block and everywhere else!”

While he finished his statement, he ran out of the cafeteria. I got my bearings, and rushed out as well, checking the clock, seeing that it was 8:05. I checked that in my mind as I made my way out of the cafeteria, and down the hallway.

After a few minutes of running, I made it to the second ‘starting room’, and when I entered, almost everyone was already met in there. Only Risa and Urkstin were missing.

“What’s the situation?” I asked Liam, who was crouched down inspecting the bag.