Chapter 10 Part 2

With that, we all exited the cafeteria, with me leading the way as usual. Most of the team followed, while people like chefs and most of the cleaning crew stayed behind to clean up everything so that no evidence would be left behind. Amber was the only exception, following us as I needed her to clean up specific areas.

As we neared the crossroads for the different hallways, I made sure to inquire about something important to her.

“Yo, Amber, you made sure you guys cleaned all of the fingerprints off of the equipment and walls of every room during the trial, right?” I asked, turning my head to see Amber’s smug face.

“Don’t worry, we got all of that covered. We had extra time to do so anyways, since that trial was so damn long compared to the others.” She replied, flashing a grin, which I kindly returned.