Chapter 2

"How are you doing now?" I asked Tammy as I smoothed her messy bed hair. The doctors let her out of the hospital yesterday.

She gave me a sad smile I tried very hard to be okay with it.

"I guess I'd be in bed for about 6 weeks so hey Ari honey I'm doing great!" She cracked a joke which brought tears to my eyes.

The doctors said Tammy had a broken rib and a broken bone and would have to wear a cast and be on bed rest for at least 6 weeks.

"I'm sorry Tammy. It'll be fine. It'll be okay. I'm here for you. I'll handle it, don't worry. " I tried saying in a composed tone.

" What about Harry? What about The bills- hospital, phone , Ari, it's all too much for you to handle without me." I could feel and tell she was in so much pain.

God, how was I going to tell her I got into another deal with the man she was owing. I just got a job as a seductress. As a rich man's to- be- whore? The tears kept flowing as I held Tammy's hand.

" I'll handle it, I promise. I'd do everything to make things right okay? I love you."

"I love you too Ari, just promise me you won't do anything stupid"

I already did. I said to myself as the tears kept flowing.

"Promise me Ari." She looked at me with sincere eyes.

" I promise Tammy." I said after taking in a sharp breath.


If I ever thought King Corporation was classic with the finest and most modern architecture? I was clearly wrong 'cause Dee'Holy'Morgan's was hell in heaven. It was Burning with rich and perfect furniture. The marbled floor shone like it had just been polished.

The employees looked very busy walking up and down with files and folders, I walked up to the pretty receptionist and she gave me a cute smile unlike the rude receptionist at Harry King's office.

"Hey, I'm Arianna Rodstein, I'm here to see Mr.DeMorgane." I said smiling back at her.

"Oh! He said you'd be coming. I'm Tasha btw. Just take the elevator on the right to the 81st floor, there's someone else to attend to you and she'll direct you to Mr. DeMorgane." She said cheerfully.

I thanked her and walked to the elavator that could contain about 30 people. I got to the 81st floor which was quite spacious with only 3 rooms and a reception.

The old lady looked like she'd been waiting for me "I presume you're Miss Rodstein?" she smiled as I approached her.

"Yes I am. I'm here to see Mr,DeMorgane." I said smiling back.

"Good you're here. He's been waiting for you."

"Waiting for me?" I asked surprised.

She just nodded and signaled for me to follow her. She stopped on the last door on the floor. It was a glass door I couldn't see through. It was written Chief Executive Officer on it and I figured its obviously Nick's office.

I suddeny felt nervous and excited at the same time remembering the lusty look he gave me at the party. I instinctively looked at my outfit to check whether my black leather skirt and my red top are able to get his attention.

Hopefully it does.

"Don't be nervous sweetie.I'll be at my station if you need anything okay? Good luck child" she said and left before I could say thank you. I didn't even get her name..

I took a deep breath and knocked the large doors.

Are these doors made of steel? Its so hard my knuckles hurt..

"Come in." I heard a deep masculine voice take me out of my reverie.

I got into the huge room confidently and stood by his desk.

Nicholas J. DeMorgane,

I read the tag written on his desk inwardly. Even his name sent shivers through my spine. I wonder what the J stands for.. Justin ? Julian, Jake...

Get it together Ari, Its strictly business!

"Good Morning Nick" I said slightly smiling

No response. Nothing. He didn't even look up from his desk. What happened to flirty Nick? Did he change overnight? Maybe this is a bad idea...

Shut up and be optimistic! My inner self scolded.

"Good morning Nick" I said a little louder this time. And he finallly looked at me! He looked up from his laptop and stared at me from head to toe with his yes resting for a while on my breast. His eyes didn't have that look he gave me the other times, instead it held something different. Something like repulsion. Disgust?

Don't I look great? I wondered. I put a lot of effort in this outfit. I felt a little disappointed.

"Firstly, I said you should be here at 8am and you're 17 minutes and 52 seconds ate. Rule 1: I do not tolerate lateness. Secondly, it's Mr.DeMorgane at work." He said in a low and annoyed voice.

Oh wow. Definitely not flirty Nick. This Nick is perfect in timing and intimidating. Very professional too, I wonder how this plan will ever work.

"I'm uh-uh sorry" I said disappointed again.

He didn't even spare me a second glance and dismissed me.

"Tell Susan to show you your office and brief you on everything else you need to know." He said and I silently nodded and left the room.


" I suppose he already told you rule number 1" Susan said and I nodded, " But I'm just going to emphasize on that considering how late you were this morning, He hates lateness so always be on time okay?" she said still smiling

"Got it. It wont repeat itself." I said smiling back

"#2: You see him first when you get to work and always let him know before you leave incase he has more work."

"See him first. See him last. Got it." I repeated

"#3: You do whatever he tells you. In other words; don't defy him."

"Are you serious? My opinion doesn't count?" I asked with wide eyes

He's so bossy, I rolled my eyes. And sexy. Shut up inner self!

" As serious as cancer sweetie! I know, you'll get used to it."

"Any more rules?"

"Lastly,#4: Don't go against any of his rules." She said finally.

"Alright. I'm not going to go against the rules of the all mighty." I said rolling my eyes and Susan just laughed "you're quite funny child,I already fancy you." She said

" I fancy you too Suzie" I smiled at her and the nickname.

" Anyways, for today you're just going to send out emails to contacts under the folder 'CALI'. You know where to find me if you need help. Feel comfy and don't hesistate to call." Suzie said and was out.

I really loved my office. It was enormous and I'd usually be doing my hapy dance but Nick's attitude this morning really put me out of it . I guess I'll need to try harder to get his attention. This is really hard. But I'd do anything for those I love.

For Tammy, I said to myself . I'd do anything for her.

I opened the door to my office which lead to a bathroom. It was big and was meant for both genders. Cool, I thought as I washed my hands. I stared at myself in the mirror. You got this Ari. You got this. I whispered and left the washroom.

Atleast I still get to see him. I smiled.

I sat on my desk and started doing work on the brand new gold macbook. I didn't notice my name was boldly written on an ipad on my table

' P. A' It read. Personal Assistant huh? Great!

I busied myself with the tasks of the day but I could'nt concentrate properly 'cause my mind kept on drifting to a brown eyed man across the hall.

God, I cant believe I'm thinking of him when I should be thinking of my sister at home right now. I need to control myself!

By and by ,it was time for me to finally go home. I lost track of time that I didn't realize that I skipped lunch. I remembered I had to see Nick first so I knocked and got in when he told me to.

" Um..Mr.DeMorgane, I'll be leaving now." I said sweetly hoping to get a reaction from him.

Nothing. Nada. Nilch. He still didn't look up from his laptop but just nodded. I felt so disappointed and angry. I just wanted him to look at me!

Do something Ari! Anything, Do something!

I intentionally dropped my purse on my way out and that got his attention. Then slowly, very slowly, I bent down to pick up and smiled when I heard him take In a sharp breath.

Good girl! I congratulated myself!

1 point, Ari.


I got home to see Tammy already sleeping. I bent over and kissed her forehead and she woke up immediately.

" I didn't hear you come in." she said sleepily

" Yeah you were deep asleep. I should'nt have woken you up. Get back to sleep sis." I said covering her with the blanket.

" It's fine Ari. Where are you coming from all dressed up? This is one of your favourite tops."

" I told you I'm working Tammy." I told her. Again.

" Don't tell me you're whoring yourself cause of me Arianna. Its killing me not knowing this new job of yours." Tamara was always that blunt but I did'nt expect her to say that.

"I promised I wasn't doing anything stupid right? I promise I'll clear this debt. Don't worry okay?" I told her the lie with a straight face. I cant believe I'm lying to my sister like this. She just looked at me and after a while nodded her head.

God, please help me!