Chapter 11

The next day, I woke up with a smile on my lips.

The plan is working . I'll soon be done with this mess.

I quickly made my bed and took a shower. Yesterday I realized I had packed nothing appropriate for work and I had to pair things up to look professional.

"I should have just taken his goddamn clothes." I muttered to myself

" But no, you just had to be too proud to take his things." I retorted to myself again.

I should take Mel's advice and check myself in a mental hospital. I'm really talking to myself right now.

I decided to just wear a sunflower outfit I got years ago. I'd never worn it but I guess today is a good opportunity to.

It's really short and exposed my long legs. It's too showy. Maybe I should wear something else..

Maybe Nick will like it.

I brushed my hair and went downstairs. Nick was in the kitchen making breakfast. He was shirtless and wearing just grey sweatpants. I watched as his muscles flexed whenever he moves and it was such a turn on.

Snap outta it Ari!

He's such an amazing cook. He's food take me different places. It's so good. If he wasn't a CEO ,I bet he'd be an amazing chef.

" Um, good morning.." I said as I cleared my throat and he turned around and faced me.

Don't look at his abs. Don't look .

Too late..

I've never seen him shirtless. But he's a masterpiece! I'd do anything to touch them. Maybe even eat on them. He was hard in all the right places and I had to withhold myself from looking at his defined abdominal v-lines that I had touched yesterday.

Oh My God.

" Eyes up here beautiful." He said smirking and I that's when I finally looked at him.

" I-I wasn't looking .." I said blushing profusely. I can't believe he caught me staring at him! Ughh. And I'll just ignore that he called me beautiful.

I inwardly smiled though . He thinks I'm beautiful.

He probably said that to a thousand naive girls like you.

I hate my inner-self very much.

" Yeah right.. of course you weren't ." He said still teasing me and I suddenly got angry and frowned.

Bless this day Jesus. I don't want to murder your child.

"Whatever." I said shrugging it off. He looked at me with an amused smile and shook his head.

" C'mon. I made breakfast. Let's eat." He said and I walked to the the table and took a seat.

" So? What do you wanna do today?" He asked as we started eating .

Hmm. His food is so good. I didn't even hear most of what he said. He's been cooking for me lately. I should return the favor soon.

"Um, do we have no meetings today?"I asked after I swallowed.

" No. No we don't ." He answered briefly.

" Well, could we go to the beach? Is that okay with you?" I asked him hopefully.

" Sure. I'll get dressed and we can go." He said excusing himself and going to his room.

I didn't stop staring at his muscles as he went up. He's so handsome and sexy.

Oh! I forgot to tell him I didn't bring a swimsuit.

About 20 minutes and 52 seconds later, he came down in a white shirt and shorts.

Sexy as hell!

" Let's go." He said leading me ahead of him with his hand on the small of my back.

Those sparks whenever he touched me.

We got into the car and we were soon on our way. I had to tell Nick to stop so I can get a swimsuit.

At some point I need to do shopping for this trip. I don't have money but I need to compromise.

" Um, I don't have a swimsuit." I blurted out.

" Can we get one for me somewhere?" I added and he looked at me weirdly.

" Oh. Didn't the stylist bring swimsuits for you? I told her to."

"She did but I didn't bring them." I told him and his face hardened.

" Why not? Did you not like them?" He asked calmly but I could see he was controlling his temper and his grip on the steering wheel was hard with his knuckles white.

" I didn't want them. I don't want your clothes or your money" I told him firmly and the car stopped abruptly.

" What the hell is wrong with you?!We couldn't have died!" I said clutching my seatbelt.

That look in his eyes scared me. The look when he got mad.

"You what?" He thundered and I immediately stuttered.

" Uh-um.. I-I.. I c-can buy my own clothes.."

He gave me one last look and started the car again and drove speedily to God-knows-where.

Great job Ari! You might even get a raise for that attitude.

I didn't realize we had parked in front a Dolce & Gabanna store.

What the hell?

I didn't even have time to register before he got out of the car and opened my door pulling me out firmly but not harshly out of the car.

" What are we doing here?" I asked but he kept pulling me inside the luxurious store. As soon as we got in, a lady maybe in her late-forties came up to us.

" Nick darling. It's good to see you again." She said giving him a wet kiss on his cheek.


Isn't she like 20 years older than him? It's obvious she likes him.

I looked at his hand that was still holding mine and detached it. The thought of both of them together disgusted me.

" Good to see you too Dalynn. " he said giving her a smile.

*Roll my eyes *

He then looked at me with a frown then looked at my hand that was no longer in his.

I did miss the warmth of his hand in mine though.

" And who's this?" She said her eyes trailing over me disapprovingly. Yup she didn't like me but it's very mutual.

" That's none of your concern. I want you to dress her up. In the most expensive clothes and shoes you have. Everything. From underwear to the cocktail dresses." He said to her and she was as shocked as I was.

" What? No! I'm not some doll that you're going to dress me up! I can buy my own clothes and I've told you that already." I told him angrily ignoring the look Dania gave me.

Dania or Dana? Whatever her stupid name is.

"Sweetheart, you don't want to defy me again. Trust me you won't like the consequences. Now go. I'm waiting for you." He said in a sickeningly dangerous voice next to my ear making me shiver and pushing me ahead. He had a sarcastic smile on his lips

" I don't-"

" Just Shut up and go now." He said losing the fake smile and I reluctantly followed Dan-Whatever her name is.

I was fuming as I walked to the dressing room filled with clothes.

" What does he even see in you ? You're not his type." I heard her say bitterly giving me a nasty stare.

" And you are?" I just had to ask.

" Of course I am." She said and I almost laughed.

" I didn't know old and cranky was his type. He definitely has horrible taste in women." I said and her head whipped so fast I thought it would fall. It was obvious she was shocked that came out of my mouth. She looked offended and I don't even care.

After that she didn't say anything rude to me anymore and concentrated on her job. She shoved a red cocktail dress for me to try on.

It was beautiful. The material was soft and it had a slit to show my long legs. I've never worn a dress this pretty. Or a dress like this at all.

I stepped out of the dressing room and she nodded her head approvingly. Even though she's mean and rude, she does her job pretty well.

" Now go show him." She said

" What? No! He doesn't need to see me."

" Don't be stupid. Oh wait, you already are. Go show him now. He's waiting." She said and turned around looking for more clothes for me to try on.

I hesitantly stepped out of the dressing room to see Nick sitting outside on his phone. Like he felt my presence he looked up and his eyes widened.

I instantly felt self-conscious and tried to go back but he held my hand and turned me around.

" Wow." He said in a breath.

"Yeah. Danny is really good at her job ." I said not looking at him.

He chuckled and used his index finger to raise my chin so I could look at him. I was tranced in his eyes. While his eyes kept roaming around every single part of my body before returning to my eyes.

" You look beautiful." He said staring at my lips and that was between my teeth .

" T-Thank you." I said blushing .

" If you keep doing that, I'll be forced to kiss you." He said huskily looking at my lips and removing it from my teeth.

World stop!

He wants to kiss me. He actually wants to kiss me. It's not just my imagination.

" Uh, um .. I should go try the other dresses." I said and walked into the dressing room.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Yup, that's my heart beating.

Gosh! He makes my insides turn mushy .

4hours later and we were finally done. I didn't want this but I actually had fun trying on fancy clothes. I wonder how I'll pay for them.

"I'm paying for them." He said reading my mind.

" Nick, I told you-"

" And I don't want to hear it Ariane. I'm paying and that's final. The least you could say is thank you." He said glaring at me.

He was right. I was being really ungrateful but that's mostly because I didn't want any of these though I liked them.

" Fine. Thank you."

" Anytime Ariane." He said finally smiling .

I wonder what Tammy would say this time.


I've been avoiding her calls and the thought of her. Her words cut in deep and I don't know how we'll get through this. I still checked on her though. Melanie visits her everyday and gives me updates about her condition.

We got into the car and we drove to the beach. Nick told me it's called 'la pelosa' and it's very spectacular because of its sandy shores and shallow waters. I can't wait to see it!

And I can't wait to see Nick's reaction when he sees my bikini. I hope it has his head turning . His reaction each time I stepped out in a different outfit made me really happy .

I could tell how hard it was to control himself. Good. Very good.

We parked and he walked to open my door but of course I beat him to it. The beach was indeed beautiful. Kids were playing around making sand castles , adults were taking walks while others were sucking face. Teenagers were surfing.

"C'mon let's go. " he said holding my hand.

We got to and empty place and I put my towel on the sand as did Nick.

" Ready ? " he said unbuttoning

his shirt.

I couldn't stop looking at him and I inwardly smacked myself realizing he might have caught me looking at him again.

" Go ahead. I'll catch up." I said and he nodded and took off his shirt and stayed with his black shorts.

Do not drool. Do not drool!

He smirked and went into the water. He stood by an old boat and stared at me and motioned with his finger for me to come.

He looked so hot in that pose! Heaven sent!

I wore my swimsuit in the shop when I picked it out so I quickly stripped out of my dress and revealed my two piece white bikini.

Yup. I know what I'm doing .

He was distracted when I stripped so he didn't see me.

I walked up to him but some tall guy got in my way.

"Wow. You're beautiful." He said looking down at me.

" Thank you. Can you excuse me?" I said politely.

"Can't I at least get your name?" He asked with a fresh Italian accent. He was cute and all but I really want to see Nick.

He wouldn't budge I was about to reluctantly give him my name when Nick appeared behind him with a murderous glare that made me stutter.


"Leave." He said in a monotone and the guy turned and faced him. Nick was taller than him so he was intimidated.

" Hey man. I was just-"

" I didn't ask you anything, I said you should leave. Now." He interrupted staring at him hardly.

" I'll leave. I'll leave." He said holding his hands in mock surrender.

"..but hey your girl is hot"

" We're not.." I started at the same time

" Just fucking go away." Nick said with irritation.

"I'm leaving mate." He said and started walking away before turning again.

" Aren't you Nick DeMorgane? Woah can I get picture?" He asked again and Nick clenched his fingers.

" If I say yes, will you finally get the fuck out of my face." He said and the guy nodded and pulled out his phone and stood by Nick.

He didn't even smiled . I pinched him and he turned to me with a scowl.

" Smile" I mouthed and he just looked at me and then back at the camera giving a very small smile.

Emphasis on the very small.

The guy soon left an Nick pulled me towards our towels.

" I cant leave you for 5 fucking seconds without some asshat wanting to rip your clothes apart." He muttered under his breath but I heard it.

" Is the water cold Nick?" I asked and he turned to me before giving me a once over. He hadn't looked at me properly and now he was basically doing exactly what the other guy was doing .

" Fuck, you look gorgeous. No wonder these guys keep coming at you. Wow." He said still ogling me and I blushed profusely and turned away.

" C'mon let's go sit down." He said pulling me but let go of his hands.

" No. I want to go into the water." I said stubbornly and he grunted.

" Fine let's go." He said pulling me to the water and I smiled. I was so excited.

He got in first and said it wasn't cold. I trusted him! I trusted the stupid idiot and got in.

" Oh my God Nick! You said it wasn't cold!" I screamed and he laughed loudly and pinched my cheeks.

I left him and swam around for a bit and went to the bottom of the ocean.

I soon saw my bikini top floating in the see! Omg how did that happen ?

I held my boobs with my hands and swam up to the shore trying to get it but I lost it.

This is so embarrassing! Why did this have to happen to me?

I soon saw Nick around I couldn't even look at him. I hope he didn't steal it from me. I'd be so embarrassed.

He swam over with a grin. He probably saw me holding my boobs and thought it was funny.

" Hey What's up?" He asked still grinning .

" Hmm. Nothing much. What's with the grin?" I asked back.

" 'Cause on my swim, I found a treasure. How cool is that?"

" Really? A treasure? Let me see it." I said not believing him at all and still holding onto my boobs. Thankfully the water covered me up to my neck.

He smiled and pulled out a white bikini top. It was mine! Oh my God .

Using one hand I tried to snatch it from him but he raised it up and I couldn't reach.

I blushed and frowned at him. " Can I have it now ? Or do you want me to around the beach without a top?" I asked and saw how he lost the grin.

" Over my dead fucking body." He said sternly.

" So? Give it to me then." I said showing my hand.

" Turn around"


" Just turn around Ariane." He said rolling his eyes . I reluctantly turned around and he removed my hands that were holding my breasts and wore the bikini top on me slightly touching the skin underneath that area. He tied it up and above and his finger lingered and caressed there for a while. I felt that spark again. It was intense and electrifying. He turned me around to face him and looked at me as his eyes darkened.

" I really want to kiss you." He said staring at my lips and pushing my hair back. I did the same to his hair that was covering his eyes. I touched his face softly and then touched his lips with my finger. Just then , he decided to lick his lips with my fingers still on it.

He just licked my finger!

I pulled away and walked to where we had put our towels.

God, I couldn't like him. This is just business. Don't get caught up with him Ari!

He came up to me like nothing had happened and said we had to leave because the paparazzi found out he was here. I just nodded and he held my hand as we walked back to the car.

"Did you have fun?" He asked and I shook my head like a little girl .

" I did. Thanks Nick." I said honestly.

" I'm glad you did. Tomorrow I'll take you site seeing. We can go to the Colosseum and all those places." He said

"Really? I'd love that." He said as we drove home.

" Oh and I'll pay you back for the clothes when we return to New York." I told him and he frowned.

Way to kill the fun Ari!

" I don't want your money Ariane. It's a gift and I just want you to accept it." He said and he looked offended.

" Alright I'm sorry. Thanks for the clothes Nick." I said and he finally smiled again.

" Like I said: Anytime Ariane." He said with a smile.

We got home at 6pm. I took a warm bath and helped Selina make dinner. She's such a nice person though she doesn't know English that much. Nick came down for dinner and we ate together and went to bed.

I slept thinking of his hands on my skin and how his lips would be on mine.

Oh Nick! You make my heart flutter!


Sorry for the late updateI'll be faster I promise.

I really hope you like

Cote! And share❤️

Dedicated to AgweMirelle ❤️

Xoxo, Writer