Chapter 27

"Wake up beautiful.."

No. No . No. I wanna sleep!

"Stooppp..." i heard myself talk sleepily.

"Babe, Someone wants to see you." He muttered in my ear with a deep voice. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him. The most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. He had a small smile playing on his lips. Best sight to wake up to.

I was about to say good morning when I remembered my morning breath and I put a hand around my mouth. He rolled his eyes and pulled me up carrying me bridal style to his huge bathroom.

I was still in his shirt from yesterday and it had gone up exposing my thighs. He placed me carefully on the floor and gave me a brand new tooth brush. I then noticed he looked fresh in a grey T-shirt and matching grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips.

We stared at each other in the mirror for more than a second and I started brushing my teeth. He stood at the door watching me as I finished. I turned and looked at him.