Chapter 37


Just wow.

That's all I can say.

Oh and Yay! It's finally my birthday!

But you wanna know the most surprising thing ever ?

Everyone forgot.

Everyone freaking forgot!!

I usually tell all my friends and colleagues way ahead of time about my birthday because I don't like being forgotten and stop reminding them on the date itself. Tammy forgot too!

I woke up all chirpy and took a long bath. I dressed up in a short skirt and thigh high boots with a white shirt. I think I looked good!

I had a long black jacket I was going to wear later. I did slight makeup and brushed my hair,that I had cut yesterday.I walked to the kitchen not smelling the usual cookies Tammy bakes everyday on my birthday.

She was using her phone whilst drinking coffee. She didn't even notice me come in and I looked at her weirdly.

"Morning! How'd you sleep?" I asked her when she finally looked in my direction and she raised her brows.