

-Izume’s perspective-

As expected I get home late, I just hope Uncle Yagi isn't home yet. I turn the corner to head for the kitchen and I see Uncle Yagi with his arms crossed giving me the stink eye. “Your late” “sorry I got held up by Baku-” “DON'T MAKE EXCUSES, YOU’RE NEVER LATE DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I'VE BEEN?!” I look down. I can tell he's only yelling because he was worried sick, I’m well known so I could have been targeted in some way. At least I didn't have to tell him that I was late because I was assaulted by a pervert.

He looks me over and releases a heavy sigh. “I'll let you go with a warning this time, but next time you're going to be late text me to let me know. By the way, if you ever want me to go with you when you go out don’t be afraid to ask. I’ll gladly tag along if I’m not busy.” I look down at my feet, when it comes to him worrying about me I can’t argue since he has every right to be protective, him offering to basically be my bodyguard when I go out is a good idea, after all who wouldn’t want the number one hero protecting them. “Will do Uncle Yagi.” After those words he gives me a smile and ushers me into the kitchen. I can smell food that was cooked about half an hour ago and is probably cold and slightly burnt, for some reason whenever he cooks it’s either under cooked or burnt. “Sit, I made dinner. I'll warm it in the microwave for you.” ‘He never fails to take care of me like I'm his own daughter… I'm going to miss this when I go back to canada, when Kate found out about the new song and she wanted me to go back for a week or two so we can make an official recording of it. Although that won't be until after the field trip to Akihabara and possibly not even until after exams.’ She was also talking about how to build a bridge of friendship between us and ‘focal point’ which is the name of the group we’re planning to work with. I should pick one to do a dance routine with during the T.A sports festival, preferably someone I get along with. Even though I have all that to look forward to my mind keeps going back to a certain blonde and that situation on the bus.

I haven’t decided if I should talk to him and try to build a friendship or ignore him. I’ll just have to see what happens tomorrow, no point in worrying about something I can’t change. I eat dinner and get ready for bed but when I lay down I can’t seem to sleep, my mind just keeps playing that embarrassing moment on the bus over and over again. The weirdest thing about that incouner is that it doesn’t bug me as much as it should, if it was anyone else I would be thoroughly upset so why should Ken be any different? Before I know it, I'm drifting to sleep.

I wake up from this really weird dream, I was on the bus and Ken somehow found his way into pinning me to the bus seat, or was that real... All of the sudden my phone buzzes with two messages, one from Finral and the other from Kate.

Finral: I’m really sorry but Ken was pestering me for your number so I gave it to him, I hope you don’t mind .

Me: That's fine, I’ll see you at school. : )

After closing that message I move on to Kate’s.

Kate: You have a meeting with Jun from focal point next week, please be nice this cooperation between companies would be a real benefit for both us and them. No pressure.

Me: no problem, just send me the details later.

I look at the time on my phone and decide I should get Uncle Yagi up before we’re late, sometimes I wonder how he woke up on time when I wasn't around. Another day with a different goal, today...avoid the fiery ash blonde puff ball like the plague.

I get to school with Uncle Yagi and he walks me to class, Tobio is already here so might as well start a conversation. “Hey emo boy, what are you doing here so early?” I do my best to sound casual but I'm finding it hard because of what Banshee said yesterday. “Good morning Yagi, I'm reading.” “Nanashima you can call me Izume, and what are you reading...it looks like a day planner.” he shrugs his shoulders and looks up at me. “It's my fathers schedule, I like to know the best ways to avoid him at all times.” What he says makes me laugh a little behind my hand. “Makes sense, I mean the longest conversation I’ve ever had with him was yesterday when he asked if I would marry you.” After that sentence came out I knew I was suffering from a bad case of word vomit. “I apologize on behalf of him, feel no obligation to follow through with that, I would actually prefer it if you forgot about it all together.” I don't know if I should be happy we had an actual conversation, an awkward one nonetheless or affended, I know I'm not the best girl in the world and I wasn't going to accept the offer, but that still stung for some reason. “Ya, no problem. I only brought it up because I thought it was funny. A big well known pro like Banshee telling jokes.” I know it probably isn't a joke but that's what I would like to label it as.

I flash him a smile and take my seat as other students walk in, including the one I'm avoiding since the bus incident. To my relief he just goes to his seat. ‘Thank frick, I think he's going to pretend it didn't happe…’ my phone buzz interrupts my thoughts.

Unknown: meet me at private training ground four during break.

Me: No, who the hell is this?

Unknown: Yes, don't even think about running. it's Bakuhatsu.

Me: fine but why your training space and not mine?

Hot pocket: Doesn’t matter...HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW IT'S MINE.

Me: I didn't but I do now.

we have a problem, mission ‘avoid fire boy’ failed, abandon ship.