
The revelation of the note!

*In S.T.A.R Labs*

Sam told them about the note,that he believed that his own future-self had given to himself, which Oliver and Diana didnot found absurd at all, but Sam was getting the kind of reaction he had expected.

"You are telling this to us, NOW?!", shrieked Oliver.

"Yeah......I truly forgot about it. It was not in my particular intention to not tell you. It kind of slipped out of my mind. And, we didn't have a conversation regarding this...so-"

"It's alright, it's alright Sam!",said Oliver and Diana in unison.

Sam smiled and said,"So should we get to work, then?"

Diana smirked and mimed in a thick British accent ,"let's getta work boys"


*In Ronald's Labs*

Ronald was sitting in his office looking out of the window. The birds were chirping , sitting on a nearby tree. Normally, any person would have felt good. But? Ronald preferred impenetrable silence, for his brain was working very fast.