
The Ride back home

Oliver and Sam stood there for a couple of minutes staring at each other, the gates behind them closed, making the lab invisible once again.

"You actually thought that I would let you go out there all alone?",asked Oliver, standing outside the 'now invisible' lab.

"But who told you ? Who told you that I was leaving?",asked Sam

"No one had to......The moment I left, I couldn't forget the look in your eyes. I just somehow knew that you were gonna leave. I know that feeling buddy! I knew I could not stop you so I decided that if I couldn't stop you then I would join you. So , where are we headed?",asked Oliver.

"No",said Sam , in disbelief,"I can't ask you to do this!"

"You are not asking me to do this! I am doing this , its my choice to help you!",exclaimed Oliver,"And you were right....."

"Right about what?",asked Sam

"In that note from your future-self.....you wrote there, don't ever trust Hugh.....You were right....",said Oliver
