
The confession

The night was quiet and Sam sat there staring out of the window. It was 3:30 and a candle was burning brightly on the study table and Diana's diary was lying open beside it.

Sam felt betrayed. He trusted Diana so much, Oliver trusted her and Diana betrayed them......Not for once she mentioned that she was the daughter of Ronald. Sam didn't want to believe that Diana had lied to them but it was all there in the diary and Sam felt stupid for he never noticed that Ronald's surname and Diana's were the same. He had read Ronald's name so many times and he had heard the Diana say her name, Diana Ross so many times but he never ever even thought that she would turn out to be his daughter. Sam felt angry as well as surprise, he didn't know if he wanted to tell Oliver or not . Oliver had just started trusting Diana and Diana she looked so faultless and how could she ever lie looking into Sam and oliver's eyes. A single tear dropped from Sam's left eye. He thought they were friends.