Her Present.. Her Past

Chapter Four

Yhanzekiel's POV

It’s been a week since I witnessed that scene and I never thought that she could hurt someone because even though she's a strong type, she will never hurt someone.

Here I am in the open ground to unwind, to release my stress in the past days from Student Council to my study to my club but the thing that gave me more stress was what Marcky said. Until now I didn’t believe them, is it really true? Marcky said that Sky and Rylle were bestfriend before and that is the reason why Rylle hurt her because she was mad for Sky leaving without saying anything. I know it is really hard to believe but if it is really a truth, then maybe I should accept it.

"Alone?!!"I was shocked when I saw Jayselle in front of me.

“Ohh it’s you Jayselle.”I said then she sat beside me and held my hand.

“Are you still thinking what happened last week?”she asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, until now it is still so hard to believe it but it is the truth.”I answered. “You? Do you also know Sky?”I asked because maybe she also knows Sky like Marcky.

“Yeah she is my classmate.”she said in a sarcastic way.

“Jayselle, a serious answer please.”I said in a serious tone.

She laughed. “Yeah, I knew her. She’s Vince's girlfriend-----”then I saw her face change like she was shocked but I ignored that because when I heard Vince's name, that was the only thing that caught my mind. She knew Vince?!

"You know Vince?!!"I asked her.

She smiled and looked away.

“Yeah. I know him. Just a little bit.”she said with a shaky voice.

How does she know Vince?! Did they have a past relationship?!

“How did you meet him?!”I’m really curious about Vince. It feels like Vince is connected to me and I don’t know why because I only know him for a while.

“His mother always talks about him. His mom and my mom are friends.”she started. “At first I always wanted to listen to the story about him because it felt like we were gonna click, I mean as friends, but one day they told me that they were gonna plan a marriage for both of us when we are at the right age. I thought they were just joking so I didn’t mind it but when I found out that Vince already had a girlfriend I objected. I don’t want to ruin someone's relationship but they didn’t stop, they did everything to break them apart. I want to help them so I said it to his friends but it is too late. Vince and Sky broke up and worse, Vince had an accident.”then I saw a tear flow to her cheeks. “If only I had done it sooner, maybe Vince is still here. Then maybe Vince and Sky will be happy again.”

I hugged her and she cried on my shoulder. I don’t know how to feel, I feel pain in my chest. Why did I suddenly feel sad when I heard her story?! I felt like there was some emotion that built up inside of my body.

“It’s okay Jayselle, it is not your fault. You already gave your best so don’t blame yourself.”I said to calm her down but it was the opposite, she cried more.

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”she said while crying.

I calm her down by patting her head and back. “Shhhh, it’s okay. Please stop crying, you know it’s breaking my heart.”I whispered to her.

I thought she would be calm because everytime I say that, she always stops crying but not now. I was shocked when she broke my hug from her.

“No!!! It is not okay!!”she shouted, which made me more surprised. “You don’t know how much pain I’ve cost to Sky and Vince. You don’t know how Sky suffered because of my stupidity, because of my cowardness. You don’t know anything.”then stand up and ready to leave me but I stopped her. It really hurt seeing her like this. I don’t want to see her cry or be sad. I want her to be happy and always smile.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Maybe I don’t know anything but please stop crying. You know that I don’t want to see you cry because it really breaks my heart. You know that I love you right?!”I said to her while holding her hand.

She started to cry again and shake her head.

“No, please don’t do this.”she said that made me confused.

“W-what?!”I said in confusion. Why did she say that? Why does she want me to stop?! I don’t understand.

She stopped crying and stared at me like I said something different. She shakes her head again and turns back at me. “I’m tired Ekie. I want to rest now.”she said that made me more confused than before.

Before she started to walk away from me, she suddenly fell down luckily I caught her from falling down. My heartbeat stopped when I saw her faint again, fortunately Marcky saw us and ran fast at us.

We immediately called an ambulance and after a while we headed to the nearest hospital. I didn’t let go of Jayselle’s hand. Why did she faint again?! Is she sick and she didn’t want me to know?! There are so many things that came up from my mind.

When we arrived at the hospital, she immediately transferred to the Emergency Room. I hope she is okay. I don't know what to do if she’s not okay.

“Everything will be alright.”Marcky said and patted my back. I hope so.

After a few minutes the doctor came out from the Emergency Room. I asked him if Jayselle is alright and why she suddenly fainted.

“Don’t worry, she only had over-fatigue.”the doctor said. Thank god, she’s out of danger. “Is she under stress?!”he asked.

I shake my head. “I don’t know. She’s okay in the past few days, I mean she is cheerful as usual so I didn’t notice that.”I answered.

The doctor nodded and he said that Jayselle will be transferred into a private room. We thanked him and after that he left.

When Jayselle transferred into a private room, Marcky said that he would call Jayselle’s parents so we are the only one left. I sat at Jayselle’s side and held her hands. Until now, the feelings that I felt before remain and it feels like it’s gonna blow up any moments. I feel kinda jealous because of Vince, I don’t know, maybe because I feel that Jayselle and Vince have something special between them and it is not just like what Jayselle said to me. I feel that it is deeper than I thought but I hope that it is not what I think because if it is, I don't know what to do. I love Jayselle more than my life and I don’t want to lose her.


All of my thoughts were gone when I heard Jayselle’s voice. I held her hand more and smiled painly to her.

“You’re awake.”Then I feel burning inside my eyes. “I thought I was gonna lose you.”and I feel my tears roll over on my cheeks. She wiped it and smiled at me.

“I’m sorry if I make you worry.”she said and caressed my cheeks. “Don’t worry about me, I’m already fine so stop crying.”she added.

I touched her hand that caressed my cheeks and closed my eyes. Her touch has a magic that makes all my worry gone. I opened my eyes and stared at her.

“You know that I love you right?!”I said out-of-nowhere. “So if you have a hard time, always remember that I’m always by your side.”I added. She nodded and smiled.

“I’m really sorry Ekie. It's just that there are so many things in my mind these few days. I don’t want to hide it to you but please trust me, when the time comes I will tell you everything.”she said and held my hand tighter.

“I trust you no matter what happens.”I said to her. She gave me a weak smile and it made my heart ache because she never gave me those smiles until now. “But can you explain what happened there?! Why did you say that you’re tired? Tired of what?!” I already said that I will trust her but I just want to know what she means by her being tired.

“Ekie-----”she broke her contact with me and stared at her side. “I already said that you need to trust me. I will tell you when the time comes.”she continued.

“It is because of Vince?!”then I saw her being off-guard. She opened her mouth but no words were coming out. I would repeat the question but Marcky came back from outside so I stopped myself.

“I already called your parents so they will arrive in a few minutes.”Marcky said and she thanked him and smiled. “So what happened to you?! Are you okay right now?!”he added.

“Yeah, I’m okay now. Don’t worry about that, and thank you for helping Ekie.”she smiled.

“It’s okay.”he said then turned to me. “Ekie let’s go, Jayselle needs to rest right now.”he said to me and held my forearm.

I wanted to stop him dragging me but when I saw Jayselle becoming pale again, I stopped myself. Maybe she needs to be alone right now. When we got out of Jayselle’s room, Marcky released my hand but he never looked at me. He just stayed standing there and after a few seconds he spoke.

“I heard the two of you,”he started. “It is because of Vince, why did she faint a while ago?!”I was no longer surprised when I heard Vince’s name because when I met Marcky, they knew each other so there’s no surprise and also Marcky was Sky’s classmate so maybe he knew Vince.

“I don’t know, she didn’t answer me.”I said and walked away.

“So, you know the story of Vince right?! She said to you how Vince and Sky end up and Vince got in an accident, right?!”I just nodded and didn’t answer because the pain I felt before is coming back. “So you also already know that Jayselle got under depression when she knew that Vince was gone.”I stopped when I heard that. She was under depression?! I looked at Marcky, shocked because I don’t know what to say. “Yeah, she was under depression until she met you. When she saw you, she became cheerful again and happy.”he smiled but I’m not.

The heavy feelings that i felt before came back and I can’t help but cry when I realize something. No, it is not true. Please, don’t say that it is true. Marcky was shocked when he saw me crying.

“Ekie-----”he was shocked because I’m not a person who easily cries but right now, all I did was cry because I don’t know what to do now.

“I-I'm fine.”I lied to him. I don’t want him to be worried about me. “It’s just that, I’m really worried about Jayselle and I’m glad that she’s fine.”I wiped my tears and smiled at him.

“Don’t worry about her, the doctor said she’s just stressed.”he patted my back and walked forward again.

I only stared at his back and thought that I hoped what I realized before was not true because I don’t know if I can handle that. I love Jayselle more than my life and if she only sees me as a rebound of Vince because we’re lookalike, I don’t know, thinking about it hurts more.

Skyler's POV

It’s been a while since I saw Rylle and the confrontation happened. I changed my minor subject class because I don’t want that to happen again. I chose Vernice’s class but even though I change my class Jeyro always with us, I don’t why but he’s always happy when he’s with me like now. I’m here in the canteen to buy my snacks.

“Are you not going home now Jeyro?”I asked him because the class hours ended a while ago but he’s here following me.

“I don’t want to go home yet.”he said while pouting. “And I want to stay with you, please.”he added. He’s really weird, promise.

“Fine. Do what you want.”I said while shaking my head. He just smiled.

I let him follow me just like the other days. When we arrived at the outside of the university, I stopped a taxi because I have a plan right now. It’s been more than weeks and yet I never visited him, maybe he’s already sulking right now so I will visit him now and it is too early to go home now.

“Where are you going?! Can I come with you?”Jeyro said and he’s look like a child.

“No, you can’t come. You need to go home now.”I said and I hopped on the taxi without waiting for him. “Sir let’s go, don’t mind him.”I said to the driver because Jeyro was shouting at the outside while chasing us.

He just nodded and started his engine.

After half an hour we arrived at my destination. I paid him and said thanks to him. After he’s gone I look forward and smile a little bit. It’s been a while since I've been here. While stepping toward my destination I feel again the pain, the feeling of missing him and emotions that build up to the point that I want to scream.

“I’m here-------”I feel the burning in my eyes. “-----Vince.”After I said his name, my tears started to flow. It’s been two years since I left, since he left. I’m not here that day when they sprinkled his ashes here but I still remembered the days we were here together, he’s alive and we’re both happy.


We were sitting at one big rock near the sea while listening to the waves of the water and watching the sky that almost turned red. He hugged me from the back while I leaned at his chest.

“I really like to listen to the waves.”he said while smiling and closing his eyes.

“Yeah, me too. It gives me calmness.”I agreed with him then he hugged me tight.

“If I’m gonna die, I want them to sprinkle my ashes here.”he said out-of-nowhere. I’m little shocked when he said that but it's common for us to talk about that topic.

“Why? You don’t like to bury you in the cemetery when you die?”I asked him. He shook his head.

“No, I don’t like to be buried in the cemetery, it’s already common. I want to cremate my body then sprinkle my ashes here.”he said in the serious tone. “Then when you die too, I want you to sprinkle your ashes here so we can be still together even in the after-life.”

I nodded and smiled at him. “Deal.”then we both laughed.

*End of Flashback*

He doesn’t like to be normal or to be common, he always likes to be different and that is one of the reasons why I love him. He never failed to make me smile and he also never failed to feel that he loves me like no other. He is the only person that can make me feel like that and I will never replace him.

“Vince I really miss you.”I kneel down because all my strength before was gone. It is still hard for me. “Vince please come back.”I begged even though I know that he’s never come back, he never will.


I looked up when I heard that voice and I saw Jeyro staring at me. He saw me crying again, he saw me like this again. I hid my face with the use of my palm, I don’t want him to see me like this again. After a while I felt that he patted my back.

“It is not wrong to cry and it is not a sin to show that you’ve had a difficult time.”he smiles while smiling to comfort me. “If you want to cry, go on. If you want to scream, go. There are no rules that you cannot say or do what you want if you have a difficult time, right?!”when he said that, I cried harder.

All the emotions I kept for a few years gradually came out. I breathe deep and shout.

“VINCE PLEASE COME BACK!!! I LOVE YOU, PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!!! I REALLY MISS YOU!!”I shouted louder and I looked down.. “I miss you Vince, my prince. Please come back.”I said and cried harder than before.

Jeyro just hugged me when I’m crying until I calmed down. Now that I release all the emotion I kept, I feel light right now. I really wanted to do that before but my situation kept me from doing that. I need to be brave for my family even inside of me, gradually falling into pieces.

When I totally calmed down, Jeyro released me and sat beside me.

“Thank you Jeyro.”I said to him because thanks to him, I am gradually feeling okay right now.

“It’s nothing.”he said sparingly. “So can I ask you something?! Who is Vince?!”he asked. I thought he would never ask me that.

“Vince was my boyfriend two years ago, actually today we should be two years of being together but something happened.”I started. Maybe it is not wrong to tell my story to him. “His mother didn’t want me because we are different from each other, Vince was so rich unlike us, we are only in the middle. She threatens me that if I never leave her son, something may happen to my family and to myself. At first, I fought for our relationship because I really love Vince and I don’t want to lose him but something happened to my father and that was because of her. I don’t have any choice but to break up with him, I don’t want to implicate my family. That day when I decided to break up with him, he had an accident because he saved me from getting hit by a car, I regret my decision because even though I tried to leave him he still saved me.”then I started to cry again because the memories came back at me.

“It’s okay, you don’t need to tell me everything.”he said but I shook my head and continued my story.

“They rushed him to the hospital with me. The whole time that we’re going to the hospital I didn’t let go of his hand and talked to him to let him know that I never leave his side. He stayed at the ER for a few hours until his parents arrived. His mother almost beat me up because it's my fault why Vince got in an accident, I didn’t fight back because I know that it is really my fault. She pushed me out of the hospital but I didn’t leave until the doctor said that Vince was gone.”I cried harder because I still had the pain of seeing him die in front of me. “My love of my life was gone and I will never see him again.”I hid my face in my palm again.

Jeyro hugged me again and patted my back.

“No, it is not your fault why he was gone, it’s not your fault because it was his choice. It’s his choice to save you even if his life is at stake.”he said. “But maybe his mother was lying to you, what if Vince was still alive?!”when he said that I stopped crying and looked at him. Why did he say that?

“What are you talking about?!”I asked because at first, he didn’t know who Vince is and why he said that when I only told him a little bit of my story. “Are you saying that Vince was still alive?! That I can see him again and I can talk to him like before?!”my tone was mixed with anger. I stood up and pushed him. “I saw him how Vince’s heart stopped beating!!! His mother showed me that then now, you say that she’s lying and Vince was still alive?! Are you giving me hope?!”I told him angrily.

“I’m sorry Era, I didn’t mean to. I just only say that maybe she only shows you that Vince was dying so you can leave him alone but the truth is, Vince is still alive.”he still insists what he said before.

“STOP IT JEYRO!!! STOP!!”I shouted. “Please don’t give me hope because it still hurts and I can’t take it anymore.”I shake my head while crying and I can feel that I’m losing strength.

"I'm sorry----"

I didn’t hear what he was saying because my vision darkened and I blacked out.