A Clean Slate.

Emma Smith

Today I start university, I made it.

I never thought I'd make it this far considering the fact that I hated school so fucking much. Its been one hell of a ride but I can't say I won't miss seeing my best friends Elle and Jordan everyday or irratating my favorite teacher, Mrs Petersen.

Today I start with a clean slate, nobody knows me and I don't know anyone. It feels good to start fresh after all the shit I've been through these past 4 years.

"Emma how far are you we need to go!!" I'm so nervous I decided to take twice as long to get done because I wasn't ready to leave my comfort zone, if I'm being honest, but we all need to at some point.

"I'll be down in a sec!"I shouted back.

Before I could even blink twice I was in the passenger seat of my mom's car with all my luggage in the boot and we were on our way.

I was staring out the window as I tried to get my shit together when my mom decided to speak up" I know you nervous about your first day, but you'll be fine honey. "even though I rolled my eyes because she knew damn well I wouldn't be fucking fine, I gave her a smile because her words did soothe my nerves a bit.

"what if I don't make any friends?" I was freaking out. This is not the same as starting your first day at high school as a puny 14 year old , this is University where everyone is practically adults and i wasn't ready to be one myself,"oh baby, I'm positive you'll make many friends and if God forbid you don't then those idiots are missing out ." she gave me a sympathetic smile as she continued driving.

my mom always knew how to make me feel better about situations I often found myself in, I decided to keep quiet and continue looking out the window as we drove to what would be my new home for the next few dreadful years.

When I was younger I always told my mom how I couldn't wait to be independent and be an adult, but now that it's time to grow up and take care of myself after years of being my mom's responsibility, I wanna be that little kid again. Don't ever wish to be grown up, it sucks ass.

I never thought time would go by so quickly and now that the day is here to go out in the real world and be independent, I'm afraid.

We finally arrived after what felt like the longest fucking drive of my life.

"it's time to grow up kiddo." my mom said, she used to call me that all the time when i was a child, it felt good to hear her call me that again.

I knew she was sad about letting me go but at the same time I could see the joy she felt and how proud she was of me, I couldn't help but smile.

I got my luggage out of the car and took it up to my dorm. I will admit finding my dorm wasn't an easy task, but finally I was standing infront of my dorm room, 236.

Here we go.

Once everything was settled down in my dorm I knew it was time to say goodbye to my mom for a while.

I saw a tear role down her face then she spoke "make the best of it, you only get to be young once and now is the time to live your youth to the fullest." she embraced me tigtly, we then said our goodbyes. Before I knew it I was alone in an empty dorm.

I took a deep breath as i looked around my dorm which wasn't too bad. God im going to miss my bed.

"let the journey begin."