A Night At The Bar.

Zack Amor

I can't get her out of my head.

She's all I can think about since the day I met her.

I know I sound like a pussy but maybe I just need a good fuck, that's probably it. I know I sound like I'm one of those but I'm not or at least I'd like to think so, I just simply don't like the idea of commitment.

Relationships are cliche and just not my thing.

Right now I'm laying on my bed thinking about Emma, for some reason she intrigues me. Her compelling eyes that makes my knees go weak, her long brown hair that suits her fair skin perfectly, her body, the things I could do to that body of hers will drive her insane 'imagine what that body could do to you' my subconscious adds, he really needs to shut the fuck up.

I carry on thinking about Emma for quite some time until I'm brought out of my sinful thoughts by my annoying ass roommate Chad "bro wanna go grab a drink? This day has been fucking exhausting!" he falls onto his bed.

"yeah sure, I could use a beer or two." I get up from my bed suddenly feeling the need to sit up, "fuck yeah, I invited this hot chick Jessica, I spoke to her in Econ this morning. She's so fucking hot dude!"

he jumped back up "you plan on getting laid tonight? If so let me know cause I don't wanna go through that once again after the last time when you didn't tell me you were getting fucked. "

I threw my head back in laughter "that was so embarrassing dude, I thought you weren't here! " he started laughing as well "whatever you say. " he rolled his eyes and covered his face which made me laugh even harder "go fuck yourself." he fired back then went to the bathroom.

I was once again left alone with my thoughts and they went back to her. There's something about her that has me thinking about her all the time. I never felt this way before, I never thought this much about one girl, ever. I want to get to know her, that's for sure.

I was on my way to sugars bar and grill with Chad, we made small talk here and there. We never really got the chance to become close friends but we go for drinks now and then.

As we walked into the bar Chad walks up to a girl sitting at the bar. She seemed pretty hot from a distance so she must've been the girl Chad was yapping about non-stop on our way here, he calls me over, I walk up to them, "hi I'm Jessica." she said happily and stuck her hand out for me to shake "I'm Zack." I shook her hand and cracked a small smile.

We soon settled down, I then orded a beer. As we finished ordering our drinks Jessica spoke up "I hope you don't mind that I brought a friend, she's just in the restroom real quick."

she turned to see if her friend was coming on yet "that's absolutely fine, Zack is here, he'll keep her company, right Zack? " Chad smirks at me, bastard.

I didn't sign up to be anyone's company, I just wanted to chill with Chad and have a drink or two. I rolled my eyes and faked a smile "you got that right chessy Chad" he glared at me "oh wait here she comes!" she waved at her friend but I couldn't care less so I just looked the other way.

"hi, I'm Emma." she spoke, he introduced himself and had the nerve to introduce me when i can well enough speak for myself, dick. I had a feeling it was the girl from my thoughts, so I turned my head and I was right, it was her.

I was surprised to say the least, I didn't expect to see her again for the rest of the week nevermind today, for the second time, I've been thinking about her whole fucking day like an idiot , her heavenly voice that gave me an unwanted feeling in my stomach.

her smile soon faded as she turned her head a realized it was me, "are you sure you're not stalking me?" she crossed her arms sassily.

"I think you are, you seem to be everywhere I am" I laughed at this "like I said, if I wanted to see you all the time, I wouldn't stalk you to do so, love." I smirk as i look into those dangeroues eyes that i happen to dream about.

Chad and Jessica both looked at us confused. I haven't told Chad about Emma because I felt it wasn't important, she's just a girl with a hot rack and fuck me eyes, nothing more.

"what do we have going on here?" Jessica asked and cocked a brow at her friend.