22nd of September.

The D-day finally arrived. Me and Baek woke up early as usual but instead of our morning runs we stayed back and made a special breakfast for the birthday girl, a full blown meal of her favourite foods.

Pancakes with chocolate sauce, matcha flavored mochi, spicy ramen with extra nori strips and a big glass of mango smoothie. And kid you not she could very easily finish all of it. It was fun cooking with Baek.

No, actually it was fun watching him have an 'epic fail' at cooking. All he was good at was mixing ingredients. Not that I was complaining. He helped with all his heart and never complained about doing the dishes.

We were still a bit rocky in terms of our relationship but that was shoved under the bed for Grace's sake.

The plan was simple. Pamper her the entire day, send her off with some dance group friends of hers for shopping in the afternoon and while she's away prepare for a kickass party at home!