James POV

I close my eyes to relax for a while, "Fuck" I rubbed my penny. My head ached from the amount of papers I read and signed. It's like Mountains in my table, and I am less than half of the files I finnished. I'm sure I'm going home late again after this, fortunately I don't have a scheduled meeting today.

I press the entercom connected to my secretary, "Bring me a cup of coffe now." I command my secretary

"Ok Sir". After a few minutes I heard a knock from my office door.

"Come in." I said.. "Here's your coffee Sir." She immediately put the cup of coffee on my table and went out.

I immediately take a sip of my coffee and It makes me feels good and relax. As I continue reading and signing the papers.

I just finished the final and last folder when my phone ringing randomly. I looked at the caller first before I took the call.

"Yes, WHAT !? OK I'm coming now." I stood up from what I heard on the other line. I hung up the call, then I call my secretary and order her.

"Prepare my private plane immidiately I'm going back to Philippines right now." I get out from my office.

"Cancel all my meetings and appointments tell them I have emergency, just email me the important details." I ordered her and hurriedly took my private elevator up to the rooftop of the building.

The chopper and the pilot are ready when I arrived, I will use the chopper to the airport. Where the private plane is waiting.


I waste no time, I immediately got off from my private plane when it landed at NAIA. And moving to another chopper, we only spent ten minutes in the air.

The chopper landed on SCC's rooftop flight.

I quickly took the elevator and I press the L bottom. The guards were even more surprised to see me. "Good Morning Sir James." But they immediately greeted me, I only nodded in response to them. Its already three thirty five in the morning. I got out of the building my car was waiting for me to take me to the hospital.

"MOM, Dad!" I saw them sitting as Dad hugged Mom outside the operating room. I immediately approached them and mommy immediately hugged me,

"James is your brother." Mom moaned as she told me. Daddy just tapped me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry mom, he will be OK. His strong, his a fighter, he can survive. Trust HIM mom and trust your son too." I told her while caressing mommy's back, and I guided her to seat.

After few minutes Dr. appears from the OR. "The patient is already safe now, He will be transferred to the ICU soon. He will stay there first to monitor thoroughly until he becomes stable and can be transferred to a private room. With this kind of accident, Its really a miracle that he survived from it."

"Thank you Doc." We once said to Dr. Before it left.

Later on my brother was also coming with help of the nurses to be transferred to the ICU,

"Fuck shit!" I couldn't help but swear and I clasped my hands. It was as if my heart was broken when I saw him. His arms and legs and the head were bundege. Four nurses helped bring my brother into the room.

"My son Hon, James your brother. Oh God." Mommy cried again.

"Shh, Hon, he will be okay. Our son is a fighter." My dad said to my mom while caressingg her too.

The three nurse were already stepped out from the ICU, but the other nurse stayed still. I noticed she looked at his patient carefully first. As if making sure it was okay, one more glance before she came out.

"I like her." I heard mommy say while daddy and I looked at mom. Will she's beautiful and sexy, she looks so young in her early twenties.

"I want her to take care of my son" added mommy.

"Miss." I called to the nurse the last one who came out. She immediately turned to me.

"Yes Sir, what is that?" Her voice is obviously tired.

"What's your Name?" I asked her.

"I'm Shaina Alcantara, sir. Do you need anything?" She answered me in surprise.

"For now nothing, just wanna say thank you. But maybe later my mom need you."

"Amm all right Sir, I'm leaving now." She said goodbye. I saw sadness in her eyes and I felt also in her vooice.

After a while, I told them to go home first and to be able to rest as well. Its already five in the morning.

I also went home to my parents' house. After then, I miss my room for almost six years and now I can sleep in my room again.

I took a quick shower before going to bed, to make me feel relax. Cuz I really feel exhausted. And I easily full a sleep.

I woke up when I felt the heat of the sunlight on my face. The sun is high so it hurts a little on the skin. Its already one in the afternoon when I look at the time on my phone.

I immediately got up and went straight to the bathroom. I moved fast, because I still had to go back to the hospital.

I went straight to the kitchen when I got down. I immediately took a thumbler and brewed coffee. I only drink in the car.

I sip my coffee when the red lights on. "The traffic has not changed still heavy." I just whispered to myself. And because of the heavy traffic I immediately ran out of my coffee without realizing it.

It was also about an hour before I got to the hospital. I immediately went to the ICU, good thing I was able to enter but that was only for a few minutes.

Then I ask the Dr. about his condition. His vital signs are ok, just waiting for him to wake up. And will be transferred immediately to a private room.

I excuse to the Dr. When I heard my phone ringing.

Dad calling.

"Yes dad?" as I answered.

"James son where are you at now? Are you at home or not?" It immediately asked me.

"No dad I'm already here at the hospital" I said to him.

"Can you come here to the office after you get there?" He said.

"OK I'm on my way now dad." I said and bid goodbye to the Dr.

I already drove my car way to SCC. I immediately went inside the building, the employees did not shout to greet me. I never look at them. I just went straight to the private elevator.

I immediately went to my brother's office where daddy was waiting. I saw his secretary out side of his office, where his table was located. She greeted me immediately when seeing me.

I knock the door three times, before I enter the room. Then I saw my father setting there. I saw a lot of folders on top of the table. I immediately approached him with a kiss on his head.

"Son, you will be in charge of the company here while your brother is still in the hospital. I know you are also busy with our company in the U.S. and

In the Middle East. But I need you here now, you know your mom. I can't be separated from her right now." His face became sad when she mentioned my mommy.

"The board already knows. I already informed them." As he continues.

"Its Ok dad, I already used to it. All you have to do is to stay beside mom." I assured him.

And we talked a lot, before going home.

I went to the mall first, I need to buy some suits. I was about to go to the counter when I saw a lady. She's on her way to the kids section which is just a connected of the men's section. I can't take away my eyes on her. She looks so beautiful and sexy. Simple but its makes her looks gorgious. And I feel something strange about her. My hearts beats so fast, I don't understand.

I can't help my self but to follow her, then I saw her picking kid's polo and short. And she went to the counter after. And now I'm here, next to her. I smell her scent that makes my chest throb even more. But I was suddenly depressed when I saw a mans clothes on her arm hanging.

I saw her openned her bag and took her wallet and look inside. Then she looked around as if looking for someone. "Shit looking for her husband, maybe." As I thought.

"Any problem Miss?" I couldn't help but ask myself.

She suddenly turned to me. That I was just "Oh", she was even more beautiful up close. She really looks like a greek goddess descending from the olympus. I also stared at her for a while, she really looks familiar. I just do not remember, where I saw her. But I know, I feel it.

"Miss?" I call her again when I notice that she also seems stunned. "N-No Nothing." She said a little stunned. And she turned her attention to the cashier.

Who is looking at me and smiling.

"Lucky bastard" I couldn't help but say softly, but I knew it reached her ears.

She left immediately after paying. I just followed her gaze.

"Sir its your turn." The cashier woke me up which was obviously flirting. I immediately gave him my black card, to pay for my purchases. Then I went out from the store. I have never seen a woman before.

I decided to go to a coffee shop. I'm drinking my coffee when I heard three different voice talking but one caught my attention. What a very beautiful soft voice.

"Take out for Shawn?" I heard her companion asked.

"Yeah." She replied.

"You really love him, huh." Onother one with her said to her.

"Offcourse, I love him so much. His my everything, his my life. And I'm so Bless and Lucky to have Him. And I am so thankful for coming Him into my life." He said. I know she was smiling while saying those words. Even though I can only see her back. I feel envy to that man. "Lucky bastard." I can't control my self I whispered.

Suddenly she stood up and said goodbye to her companion. But the two stood up as well. I just followed her gaze again.

I also left. I still can't understand how I feel about that woman. My heart beating so fast. Its like theres a horse racing inside.