I was leaning on my car when I saw them walking towards me. She carried him. I can't take my eyes off on her. What happened to me, I don't know. I open the door in passengers side for them to get in.

"Mama I'm sleepy, can I sleep in your arms?" I heard Shawn asked his mom with his husky voice. And he really looks so sleepy.

"Of course baby you can, mama will hug you." I saw her hug him and kiss him in the head. And she whispered to him "I love you." And she put his head on her left chest. Then I heard her hum for him too.

It was as if my heart was being caressed by the scene I witnessed now. A perfect since of a mother and son. I want to hug them.

Later on, I saw him sleep peacefully. "Have we met before, or you're one of my fling?" I couldn't help but ask her.

"NO" She immediately answered. Obviously she was surprised by my question.

"Are you sure?" I'm not satisfied with her answer.

"YES, only Shawn's father became my man. No one before and no one after no one else. Only him. And we just met only once". I was suddenly depressed by her answer.

Then I saw her closing her eyes like she wants to sleep. Later on, she also fell asleep. I do not understand the feelings I feel right now while looking at them.

I want to locked them in my arms. I can't help my self, I take my phone and take a pictures of them. I couldn't help but smile and caress the child's head.

Suddenly my chest throbbed when I touched him. I was just surprised when I felt like my cheek was wet. I was crying. I heaved a deep sigh and shook my head. And concentrate on driving.

A few more moments and we arrived at the address she said. She was still asleep, I also stared at her for a while. She is really beautiful and She looks so fragile.

"Hey, Miss Alcantara wake up! We're already here. Alcantara, hey! Wake up!" I can't resist looking at her. And I hate myself. I want to kiss and hug her. Before I forgot my selfI desided to wake her up already.

"Mmmm" She opened her eyes "I also fell asleep, sorry." She apologize to me shyly.

"Have we just arrived?" She asked me.

"It's Already twenty minutes pass since we arrived." I smirk when I said it to her.

"HUH ?!" She looked at me in shock. And suddenly she adjusted her seat.

"T-That l-long? W-Why didn't you wake me up right away?" She was still stunned her voice. She looks cute.

I look at her and something comes in my mind. "If how long have we arrived, I had been waking you up that long too." And I told her. "You thought you were still in your room. Tsk" I saw her check become red.

"Sorry again Sir, I didn't meant to fall asleep. I'm sorry. And, thank you again for bringing us here again sorry." She said to me. As she opened the door. And step out.

"Let me." I offer myself when I see her having a hard time finding her key. The gate of the house is small and low.

I stiffened and I looked at her as I felt an electricity liked flow through my body as my arm touched her arm too. Did she feel the same. I saw her was shocked too.

"Thank you." She said softly when I opened the small gate fr them and let them in. She attempt to take the key from me, but I walk straight to the door to open it wide.

When we get inside the house, she immediately enter to a room. Their room maybe.

The place was so tiny, but its neat and clean. There's two rooms, bedrooms I guess. The ketchen connected to the living room. And there's another door next the kitchen.

There is no much things in the living room and kitchen.

I was checking the whole area when she get out from that room. "You may seat down first Sir, amm would you like something to drink Sir, juice, water ---" as she offered me "coffee would be." I cut her off in what she said. "Black or with cramier, sir?" She asked me again.

"The last one." I said.

She immediately went to the kitchen. And when she came back she's carrying two cups of coffee. And she place one cup infont of me.

"Thank you." She just shyly smiled at what I said.

We both just kept quiet while having coffee. I can't help but glance at her. She just bowed her head. I still want to stay but it's already late at night and I already finnised my coffee.

So I got up and said goodbye, and thank her again. She come with me outside. A few minutes after she entered the house, I was still staring at the sorounding of the house.

A few more moments, before I decided to leave. Along the way, I still can't forget the mother and son. Especially the child. He really looks like my mini me. The way he moves, the way he talks, and the way he looks. Like all mine, I need to find it out.

When I got to my pad I immediately went to the mini bar and got some wine and an ice cubes. I took them to the living room. After a few glasses of wine I decided to enter my room and I need to take a cold shower.

I was lying on my bed, but I'm still awake. Who really are you Shakeera? Why do I have this feeling that you become part of the past. If you're one of my fling, why I can't even remember you. But thats impossible to be forgotten, with that face you have? Your looks, really impossible. Or maybe one of those girls who turned my one night stand? F**k s**t! WHO ARE YOU!? SHAKEERA! But if you're one of them, is that so many that I can't remember you? How come?

I just pulled my hair out in annoyance. I turned side by side of my bed to get sleep but still I can't sleep.

It is almost morning before I fall asleep.


"Mama Papa!" He called to us as he ran closer where we toke our seat.

We were at the park sitting on the lying blanket. It was so fun to watch Shawn playing with the other kids.

"Be Careful buddy you might stumble!" I told him. He immediately worshiped us with his mother's hug, hmm it feels good. "I love you papa, I love you mama." he said to us and kissing on our cheeks. When he reached to us.

"I love you too son."

And even in my sleep the mother and son I saw in my dream. My dream seems real.